Review of early childhood care and development
by Ranil Wijayapala
The Children’s Secretariat under the Child Development and Women’s
Affairs Ministry will review the 10-year-old national policy on early
childhood care and development to meet its current requirements and the
Child Development and Women’s Affairs Minister Tissa Karaliyadda will
brief the representatives of government agencies and Non Governmental
Organisations working on early childhood care and development on the
importance of reviewing the national policy and the need to formulate a
working plan on early childhood care and development.
Minister Karaliyadda said that his Ministry has received many
complaints about the pre-schools which are adopting syllabi and
activities not recommended for pre-school students.
“Although our Ministry has given clear guidelines in the teachers’
guidebook for pre-school education some pre-schools arbitrarily adopt
their own syllabi and try to complete the grade one syllabus in the
pre-school itself”, Minister Karaliyadda said.
He said although early childhood development centres are mushrooming
in the country they lack the basic facilities and standards and some
pre-schools do not have even a play area for children which is a
prerequisite for pre-schools.