Some Western ambassadors overstep their mandate
By K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
A few Colombo-based Western ambassadors seem to be overstepping their
diplomatic mandate by showing undue concern over internal matters of the
country. Though they are intended to promote solidarity and good
relations between their country of origin and Sri Lankan, certain
Western Ambassadors are conducting themselves in a high-handed manner,
assuming that Sri Lanka is a colony of theirs.

Thirty Tamil girls who joined the Sri Lanka Army passed out last
week at the Security Forces headquarters in Mullaitivu. |
The double standards adopted by US Ambassador in Sri Lanka Michele J.
Sison after the recent incidents in Beruwala and Aluthgama is a clear
indication that these ambassadors use such incidents to put their
political agendas in motion. It was originally stated that Ambassador
Sision had discovered that Kalutara District UNP parliamentarian Palitha
Thewarapperuma was also injured in the attack and she had sought a
meeting with him as a result.
If she is sincerely interested on the well-being of parliamentarians
injured in the attack, she should have also inquired about the condition
of Minister Faiszer Musthapha who was also injured. He was attacked by a
mob of around 15 men in the same area but Sison did not even bother to
give him a call.
Sinister operation
In contrast, she took the trouble to call Thewarapperuma and even
went to the extent of offering political asylum in case the MP faces
death threats. But this assurance had only been given after Sison had
questioned Thewarapperuma to verify whether he has any intention of
quitting the UNP and joining the government. Despite being an ardent
UNPer, Thewarapperuma
had refused to play a role of a traitor. Hence, Sison had failed in
her sinister operation.
The manner in which Thewarapperuma had been questioned by Sison shows
the high-handed manner in which certain Colombo-based diplomats are
meddling in the Sri Lanka’s internal matters.
Thewarapperuma had made it clear that there had not been any communal
problem between the Sinhalese and Muslims, adding added that it was the
extremist looters who had created problems. Sison had even asked as to
why the MP had intervened if it wasn't a political problem, but
Thewarapperuma had pointed out that he was compelled to intervene to
protect the Sinhalese and Muslims who had voted for him at the last
general election.
Political asylum
Though the MP had categorically denied that he was facing death
threats, the US Ambassador had repeatedly questioned about such moves,
especially from the Government. She had even gone to the extent of
volunteering to offer him political asylum in the event he faced death
threats in future.
More interestingly, such assurance had only been given after the US
Ambassador had verified her doubts over Thewarapperuma on crossing over
to the Government. It was after the MP had ruled out such possibility
that Sison had been ‘kind’ enough to offer him political asylum.

A mosque in Missouri, USA, which was burnt down |
Meanwhile, the Cabinet last week instructed the External Affairs
Ministry to summon the controversial envoy to lodge the Government’s
formal protest over a newspaper advertisement published by the US
Embassy in Colombo. The controversial newspaper advertisement had called
for applications from NGOs for what it called a ‘citizenship program’.
It is a blatant interference in domestic affairs which no country
would allow a foreign mission to indulge in. Be it the Americans or the
British, no foreigner need to teach our people how to vote or exercise
their democratic franchise. Sri Lanka had had universal franchise since
1931 and, therefore, there was no need for foreign countries to educate
Sri Lankans on elections.
Crocodile tears
The US is one country which was 'extremely' worried about the recent
unfortunate incidents. They issue a plethora of statements even for an
isolated incident of a minor attack on a mosque, forgetting the loads of
garbage in their own backyards. The US sheds crocodile tears for Muslims
as if they themselves are saints and had taken good care of Muslims
living in the US.
Around 50 mosques in the US has been attacked since the 9/11 attack
but hardly anybody talks about this. The biggest joke is that the
country in which a large number of Muslims places of worship had been
attack shed crocodile tears on an isolated incident in Sri Lanka and
pontificates to us on religious harmony.
If one considers 2010 alone, there had been at least 15 attacks on
Muslim places of worship in the US during that year. Things have
aggravated after the US Patriot Act was signed into law allowing the
attorney general to detain non-citizens suspected of terrorism without a
warrant, and authorised new surveillance guidelines for US law
enforcement agencies.
Among the attacks or discrimination that had been carried out aiming
at Muslim religious places in 2010 alone were in Bella Vista, Arkansa
(in September 2010 when the Bella Vista City Council met to consider
banning the construction of mosques and the practice of Sharia Law
within city limits), Arizona State’s Glendale (in August 2010 when two
men threw an acid bomb at a mosque - targeting mosque officials standing
nearby), Phoenix, Arizona (in August 2010 when vandals threw paint on
the floor, shot out windows, and wrote anti-Muslim slurs on the walls of
a local mosque), Costa Mesa, California (in January 2010 when burned and
desecrated copies of the Quran were left at a mosque on separate
occasions), Lomita, California (in March 2010 when the City Council
denied a request for a zoning change that would have allowed a local
mosque to its expand its facilities due to alleged traffic concerns even
though a traffic study concluded that the proposed expansion would not
increase traffic and the city’s community development director).
The other discriminating events in the US in 2010 were reported in
Madera, California (in August 2010 when vandals threw a brick at a local
mosque and left signs outside that read, 'Wake up America, the enemy is
here' and 'No temple for the god of terrorism').
Mission Viejo, California (in January 2010 when a religious display
was vandalized with spray paint and an anti-Muslim message was left on
the Islamic portion of an interfaith display).
Sacramento, California (in August 2010 when a plastic pig inscribed
with No Mosque in NYC, 'Remember 9-11', and 'Mo-Ham-ed' was left in a
mosque's mailbox).
Bridgeport (in August 2010 when picketers targeted a mosque during
Ramadan and shouted “murderers” and “Jesus hates Muslims” at
worshippers, including children).
Florida, Gainesville (in July 2010 when protestors outside of a local
mosque carried signs declaring that 'Islam is the devil') and several
other similar incidents in Jacksonville, Miami, Georgia, Detroit, East
Lansing, Missouri, Corvallis and Knoxville.
These are a ‘few’ of the many attacks on the Muslim community in the
Hence, it is crystal clear that the US does not practice what it
preaches. They pretend as if they are greatly perturbed by a small
incident in Sri Lanka when much larger scale violence against Muslims
had been reported within their own country. Hence, it is obvious that
certain Western countries are using the unfortunate incidents in
Aluthgama and Beruwala to strengthen their political agenda against Sri
The UNHRC panel which had been appointed to investigate alleged
abuses of human rights too has taken these isolated incidents to paint a
gloomy picture on Sri Lanka.
The Government has reiterated its position on the proposed UN
Investigation that it is not ready to accept an investigation mandated
by the UN Human Rights Council. Minister of External Affairs Professor
G.L. Peiris has already made clear the Government stance.
Although Sri Lanka is ready to discuss acceptable conditions, the
Government which has been elected by the people is not ready to be made
equal with a terrorist organisation which had brutally killed thousands
of hapless civilians. The country is implementing an identical
methodology for rehabilitation and reconstruction activities.
Several rehabilitated former LTTE combatants are now in the main
stream politics while some others have been recruited to the Security
Forces. That alone is a victory and a major achievement in Sri Lanka’s
determined bid towards national reconciliation. But the West could not
talk on human rights of the LTTE terrorists killed in action in the
guise of strengthening national reconciliation.
The Government is not ready to accept the Tamil National Alliance (TNA)
as the sole representative of the Tamil community in the country. When
the LTTE was at its best, its leader Velupillai Prabhararan forced the
Tamils to accept that his ruthless terror outfit as the sole
representative of Tamils. The TNA seniors acted as mere puppets then and
were remote-controlled by Prabhakaran from his jungle hideout.
But once the LTTE was militarily crushed, signaling liberation to
over half a million Tamils who had been forcibly held as a human shield,
the TNA wanted the grab that title. Political freedom to the TNA was
given after the Security Forces crushed the LTTE. But since then, the
TNA has been making a separate attempt to claim that they are the sole
representative of the Tamils.
It is furthest from the truth. More than half of the country’s Tamils
live outside the North and the East and most of them are affiliated to
different political parties, other than the TNA. Hence, the TNA has no
right whatsoever to claim as the sole representative of the Tamils.
The Government has entrusted the Parliamentary Select Committee to
find a solution to the grievances of the people living in the North and
the East. Granting an undue priority to the TNA would be detrimental to
the interests of other political parties that represent the Tamil people
in the country. Any solution the grievances of the Tamils should be in
consultation with the TNA as well as the other political parties which
are representing Tamils.
The democratically elected leaders of country are making every
endeavor to further strengthen solidarity among all communities.
They are working tirelessly to achieve national reconciliation and an
honorable peace that is acceptable to all communities.
The West should not force anything on us and let Sri Lanka find its
own solutions to whatever the problems it faces, just as the country
made its own successful battle to crush terrorism. |