News around the world
A new species of river dolphin discovered

A new species of river dolphin has been discovered in Brazil
recently. This is the first time a new river dolphin species has been
discovered since 1918! This new species- named 'Araguaia'- is one of
only four other known species of river dolphin, three of whom are
critically endangered. Scientists believe there are only about 1,000
Araguaia dolphins left in the world.
The species is a distant relative of sea dolphins and they likely
evolved from other South American river dolphin species over two million
years ago.
They, amazingly, managed to go unidentified until now! "It was
something that was very unexpected, it is an area where people see them
all the time, they are a large mammal, the thing is nobody really
Hide-and-seeker gets stuck in washer
A game of hide-and-seek between an 11-year-old Utah girl and her
cousins ended up being a serious game of hide-and-stuck recently.
The 11-year-old, whose name is not known, is very competitive
according to her mother and thought that if she hid in the washing
machine her sister would never find her-and she didn't.
Once she figured she had won the game she tried to get out of the
top-loading washing machine, but was terrified to find she couldn't get
out! She had curled her legs up so tight that they fell asleep and she
couldn't use her feet to push herself up and out of the machine! Their
washing machine is located underneath the dryer, so she had to be able
to get out at an angle-something she couldn't do with her legs asleep.
She became scared because the machine's agitator, the device that
sticks up and "stirs" the clothes around, was pushing on her chest and
making it hard for her to breathe.
Eggs fights blindness!
Eggs are not only high in protein, but they are also good for your
eyes because they contain lutein, which fights blindness!
China produces the most eggs in the world - about 160 billion per
A hen can lay about 250 eggs per year. If you can't remember if an
egg is fresh or hard-boiled, try this. Spin the egg and if it wobbles,
it's raw. If it spins easily, it's hard-boiled. A fresh egg will sink in
water but a stale one will float!
Chocolate thief gets five months in prison!
Sometimes it's hard to just say no a tasty chocolate bar, something
self-declared chocolate addict Luis Augusto Mora knows all too well.
Mora was caught stealing two boxes of chocolate from a supermarket in
Bogota, Colombia. After he confessed he was sentenced to five months in
one of Colombia's harshest prisons!
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said that he thinks Mora
should receive a lesser punishment and that small crimes like his
shouldn't waste everyone's time. The money that is used to keep him in
prison could be better spent towards imprisoning people who are of much
greater danger to society and have committed much worse crimes.
Prosecutors have released a statement saying that Mora will “never
again touch chocolate in my life.” It is probably safe to say that he
has learned from his mistake and has learned how to say no!
-Internet |