Nature Facts
Giant tower: Red wood

The world's largest individual organism is the Californian redwood
tree. It is a majestic evergreen tree with a reddish brown trunk. Trees
having a girth of 24m and a height of 120m have been reported. These
trees are abundant in the Redwood Creek Valley in North America.
It is believed that the life span of reduced trees are about
2,400-4,000 years.According to estimates, the average weight of a tree
is 2,000 tons. It is difficult to destroy the trunk of this tree by fire
or by insects.
Selfish plant that depends on others: Cuscuta
It is a vine that grows entangled like a mess of yellow thread on
bushes. This is a non-photosynthetic parasitic plant.
The root produced by the germinating seed attaches to a soft stem and
obtains all its nourishment from the other plant.
There are instances where the host plant has died. Then Cascuta will
also die unless it invades another host plant.
Fruit which propels with wings: Hora
Found in the Wet Zone of Sri Lanka, the Hora tree is an endemic plant
with an erect trunk. It grows up to about 30 meters high.
The flower has two large sepals. During the formation of fruits the
sepals do not fall off but persist in the fruit.
The fruit is dispersed to far away places by rotating on its two
axis. It is released from the tree with the aid of its two sepals.
Snake born to a bush: Tiger claw
It is found in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. The fruit of the tiger claw
plant is hard when dried. It has a pair of sharp hooks similar to the
head of a snake. The fruit attaches itself to the body of animals with
the aid of sharp hooks. This helps in its dispersal.
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