Bard accused of bringing misery to people
Some people just cannot do anything right. Take the world's greatest
playwright, William Shakespeare. Centuries after he made his name, he is
being blamed for bringing misery to millions. Not, as some might expect,
from being forced to study his works at school, but for suffering stigma
over unsightly skin.
In what is a departure from the numerous studies looking at
everything from leprosy to skin cancer, medical experts are claiming
that Shakespeare's success has resulted in a painful legacy for people
with skin disease.
The playwright is the subject of new research being revealed to
hundreds of doctors during the annual conference of the British
Association of Dermatologists.

Medical experts are claiming that Shakespeare’s success has
resulted in a painful legacy for people will skin disease |
The rash of Shakespearean insults based on people's appearance,
whether it is King Lear branding his daughter Goneril "an embossed
carbuncle" or a prostitute calling a soldier a "scurvy companion" in
Henry IV part II, is cited as a cause of the continuing persecution of
people for the way they look.
In a paper titled "Is Shakespeare to blame for the negative
connotations of skin disease?", British researchers from the
universities of Nottingham, Leicester and Derby claim that Shakespeare
reflected the Elizabethan obsession with flawless pale skin, and while
he "may not have accepted Elizabethan society's negativity towards skin
disease, it can be argued that his success has led to its perpetuation".
Dr. Catriona Wootton, a dermatologist at Queen's Medical Centre in
Nottingham, and co-author of the study, said: "Elizabethan London was a
melting pot for diseases such as plague, syphilis and smallpox. Many of
the diseases of the time involved lesions or sores on the skin, so skin
imperfections were seen as a warning sign for contagious disease."
Shakespeare used these "negative undertones to his advantage, employing
physical idiosyncrasies in his characters to signify foibles in their
behaviour," she said.
A spokesperson for the British Association of Dermatologists said:
"Much of the Elizabethan stigma over disfiguring skin disease still
persists today. Even now, many examples exist in films and literature
where visible disfigurements are used to represent villainy or malice.
Nobody is suggesting that we edit Shakespeare but maybe we should ensure
that new films and books don't reinforce this stereotype."
But fans of the playwright are rallying to his defence. Stuart
Hampton-Reeves, head of the British Shakespeare Association, told The
Independent: "Shakespeare was a product of his era so we cannot expect
him to confirm to modern attitudes and it is far-fetched to blame modern
day prejudices on Shakespeare's works."
And Prof. Michael Dobson, the director of Birmingham University's
Shakespeare Institute, said: "Has any writer in history ever suggested
that the symptoms of skin disease are attractive? Have audiences for the
past 400 years really been coming out of theatres saying 'Ah yes - I'd
nearly forgotten - pox is to be avoided. What a genius Shakespeare was!'
Next week: has the fairy tale of Snow White been creating a misleadingly
favourable impression of dwarfism?"
Memorable lines
Some of Shakespeare's most memorable lines are insults over people's
appearance. Take King Lear for instance, when the beleaguered monarch
berates his daughter Goneril: "Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an
embossed carbuncle".
From phrases such as "scurvy knave" used in Romeo and Juliet, to "a
pox upon him" in All's Well That Ends Well and "foul moles and
eye-offending marks" in King John, skin problems are referenced
throughout Shakespeare's plays. In Henry IV part I, a man with a red
nose is dubbed "an everlasting bonfire-light" and "knight of the burning
lamp". And in Coriolanus, Marcius (Coriolanus) curses his enemies:
"Boils and plagues Plaster you o'er, that you may be abhorr'd."
Herpes is alluded to in A Winter's Tale: "If I prove honey mouthed
let my tongue blister". While in A Midsummer's Night Dream, a blessing
to young couples includes the line: "Never mole, hare-lip nor scar...
shall upon their children be".
- The Independent