Above 5’6” academically and professionally qualified son is sought by G/B parents from respectable family for their daughter 33, 5’5” with house and other assets. Working as an Executive for a US based S/W company. Ravi Kuja in 1st house. Reply with family details and horoscope. 0373982629.
Absolutely pretty fair slim 25 years 5’6” daughter, (New Zealand citizen) Australian PhD scholar brought up with Sinhalese and Buddhist values. Bodu/Govi professional parents seek Doctors Engineers or academically / professionally qualified partner below 32 NS/TT working in Australia / UK / NZ or willing to migrate. Please respond with family details, contact number and horoscope preferably with Mars (Kuja) in 1st House. E-mail:
ACMA CGMA qualified youngest daughter PR Canada employed in big 5 Bank Toronto pretty slim 35 Govi Buddhist parents residing Colombo 7 seek professional son. Elder daughter and family Canadian citizens.
Academically and professionally qualified kind partner NS/TT sought by GB parents for their 30 year old daughter Law graduate fair, pretty, 5’1’’ tall, well mannered, dual citizen. Assets in Sri Lanka and UK father specialist Doctor. Reply with horoscope, family details.
Academically and professionally qualified partner (40-45 yrs.) is sought by Company director sister Sinhala Govi Buddhist from Colombo suburbs 39 years, 5’ fair very attractive younger looking kind caring with impeccable character currently attached to private company as Accountant. Divorcees without encumbrances also considered. She inherits substantial assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Reply with phone number all details and horoscope. Email:
Academically and professionally qualified son with good character preferably a Doctor non smoker teetotaler with respectable family back ground is sought by K/B parents for well brought-up only daughter Doctor in Gov-hospital 28y slim v.pretty with unblemished character substantial dowry. Reply with family details and horoscope.
Academically and professionally qualified son with sober habits and Buddhist, values is sought by a Govi Buddhist family living in Australia for their eldest daughter. She is 24 years old, 5’7” tall, fair, slim, brought up with Buddhist values and is fluent in Sinhala. She is a double degree holder from a reputed University in Australia and works as an Accountant at a global accounting firm. Please reply with family details and horoscope.
Academically professionally qualified good Buddhist partner is sought by B/G parents from Colombo suburbs for their slim pretty daughter 5’4” 30 yrs. IT graduate and CIMA qualified working in a leading company as a Product Manager, & currently reading for MBA. Reply with family details & horoscope non-malefics. email to
Academically professionally qualified partner over 5’6” sought by affluent GB parents for daughter 28 years, 5’3” fair smart MSc from prestigious University in UK. Well employed in UK. Will inherit assets. Reply with horoscope (non malefic) via email.
Academically professionally qualified partner sought for only child daughter B/G 29 (1985-07), 5 2 1/2” slim, fair, pretty, very fluent in English, studied in prestigious university London, graduated with BSc (Hons) degree (1st class) presently Software Engineer in multinational software company Colombo. Assets over 30m. Partners from Sri Lanka abroad welcome, caste, religion immaterial. Reply with horoscope, contact number email
Academically professionally qualified suitable son sought by Sinhala B/CH, S/K retired professional parents for their second daughter. She is 5’2”, 27, pleasant, simple completed education in Canada & now working international organization in Colombo prefer Christian values in life. Reply with family details. E-mail :
Academically professionally qualified suitable son sought by Sinhala B/Ch, S/K retired professional parents for their younger daughter. She is 5’6”, 27, fair, pleasant, simple completed education & working in the USA. Reply with family details. E-mail :
Academically qualified kind-hearted fair, handsome caring son about 5’10” in height below 31 yrs, of a Govi Buddhist respectable middle-class family is sought by Govi Buddhist respectable parents for their pretty fair kind-hearted 28 yr. old daughter 5’6” tall, BSc Hon. (Special) graduate currently prusuing Ph.D while working as a Teacher in a prestigious university in USA for marriage. Kuja in 5th house, Mithuna lagna, Aswida Nekatha 2 paadaya. Reply with full family details with copy of horoscope. Email TP. 0332279635. Those working or living in USA preferred.
Academically & professionally qualified employed Sinhala Buddhist partner from USA is sought by B/K parents from Colombo suburbs for 32 yrs, 5’4” slim well-employed in IT field daughter, brought up with Buddhist values. Kindly send us the horoscope with family details.
Academically / professionally qualified well-mannered caring son is sought by G/B professional parents for their UK qualified MBBS daughter working in England. P/R holder, she is fair, pretty, slim, 28 years, 5’9” with an unblemished character. She inherits substantial assets including fixed deposits. Kuja in the 8th House. Reply with family details & horosocpe. Email:
Affluent respectable B/G parents seek an academically / professionally qualified well-mannered good looking son with a respectable family background for their 29 yrs, 5’9” tall fair and very attractive daughter brought up with Buddhist values, foreign qualified (LLB), well-employed in SriLanka with six figure monthly income and substantial wealth inclduing a house in Colombo, fixed deposits and a new car. Please reply with horoscope, family details and contact number. Email:
An educated established Buddhist partner is sought for a K/B, 5’4” pretty slim young looking daughter (born 1980) dowry 5 1/2 million deposits, divorced, no children no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope.
An educated, partner below 45 years is sought by Buddhist Govi retired parents for their 39 years, 5’4” BSc, M.Sc Software Engineer daughter. Reply with horoscope.
A partner is sought by B/D mother for her pretty daughter, Software Engineer in Colombo, 38, 5’4” owns a house and other assets. Divorced as Plaintiff. No encumbrances.
A suitable partner is sought by aunt for niece Christian Govi 38 years 5’5”, slim, pretty, kind hearted Senior Manager of a leading Insurance company.
Born 1981, Southern, Buddhist, Rajaka (Nominal), height 5’5”, pleasant looking daughter, owning all dowry and employed as Manager at private enterprise, Saturn 8, mother seeks son with sober habits, either permanently employed, businessman or employed overseas. Differences immaterial. 0414911007.
B/G parents from W/Province Sri Lanka seeks educated and professionally qualified son for their slim, fair, pretty daughter 5’4’’ height, 29+ in age who has finished her MBA and working as an Accountant in California. She owns valuable properties in Sri Lanka. We prefer a well established son having PR status in USA or Australia. Please write along with family details and copy of the horoscope to:
B/G parents living in the USA seek a suitable son (preferably living in the US) for their daughter 31 (Born October 1983), 5’2” fair complexion, living and studying in the USA, (working towards bachelors in Accounting). Caste immaterial. All the types of horoscopes including those that can be matched with Kuja 07 are acceptable. Please write with the horoscope information. Email :
B/G parents prominent business family seek an academically and professionally qualified well mannered son for their daughter only child 24 years fair, pretty and smart 5’3” well accomplished and brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values BSc (Hons) in Management (final year) and CIM. She is well assetted over 250 million and six figure monthly income. Please reply with family details horoscope and contact number. Email
B/G/D professional parents from Colombo suburb seek an academically / professionally qualified v.pretty, v.fair and slim daughter for their son graduated from abroad. He worked as an Asst. Engineer leading Construction Company in Sri Lanka. Presently he well manages own Government recognized Construction Company. He is 32 yrs., 5’11” height handsome well mannered and an excellent character. He owns a house and other valuable assets. Kuja/Sani, 1st house reply in English or Sinhala, family details, horoscope, T.No. Prefer from Colombo District. Email -
Catholic Govigama respectable parents from Colombo suburbs seek a professionally academically qualified well mannered NS TT son for their accomplished smart slim prestigious Convent educated daughter 5’1” 33 yrs. BSc MSc. Software Engineer employed in a reputed company in an European country, draws a handsome salary. Her assets include a furnished house cash jewellery. Expected for short vacation soon Please respond with family details telephone numbers.
Catholic Sinhala parents seek a professionally qualified partner from a respectable family, for their 28 year old daughter professionally qualified and currently employed. She is pretty, fair and will inherit substantial assets. Please reply with full details to
Catholic Tamil mother from Colombo seeks a suitable partner with sober habits for daughter a graduate English teacher, age 38 medium complexion height 5’5”.
Christian Tamil respectable parents seek a professionally qualified partner for their daughter 37 years, height 5’2’’, fair and slim, professionally & academically qualified employed in UK and willing to relocate. Please reply with family details & contact numbers. E-mail:
Colombo Bodu Govi professional family seeks educated Buddhist groom (age group 40-49 yrs) for very beautiful lawyer daughter presently employed in state service in Samoa Island on a short contract. Slim, fair, 5’4”, 44 years but very much younger looking. Divorced as innocent party without encumbrances. Military officers considered.
Colombo Buddhist parents seek tall educated partner for daughter 5’5’’ very attractive well established in Australia. Non malefic horoscopes only, cast immaterial.
Colombo District parents seek a qualified well employed son for their 36, 5’2”, slim, fair, pretty decent, well educated, well employed daughter. We, Karawa Buddhists but caste immaterial. Send full details, horoscope in first letter. Email:
Colombo surburb Govi Buddhist mother seeks a suitable partner for 33 years old and 5’3” tall BSc and MSc graduate daughter attached to a leading bank. 0112764188
Educated G/B parents in Canada seek handsome, kind hearted educated well brought up son, with Sinhalese Buddhist values to be proposed to our daughter, leading to marriage. She is 5’4”, 21+, pretty, pleasant completing her Canadian University education in psychology 2015, studied at a leading Buddhist school in Colombo till 15yrs. Please respond with family details.
Educated partner with Buddhist values sought by GB family in Australia for only daughter pretty fair slim 1971 younger looking 5’3” Accountant employed in Sydney.
Gampaha district Bodu/Govi parents, father Senior Engineer in a leading Construction Company seek an educated son for their only child, daughter fair, 25 yrs, 5’ height with a Network and Communication, British degree. Her horoscope and Sinha lagna, Siyawasa Nekatha Kuja 7, those who match the given details. Please forward your family details with horoscope copy to or observer reference.
GB parents held senior positions in Colombo wish to meet a decent life partner with professional qualifications for their daughter, CIMA, MBA qualified Accountant with six figure salary; born 1979, non-malefic HC. Denata Nekata, owns a house, B/N car, multiple assets. Caste not considered. Previous proposed marriage limited to registration nullified. Kindly reply with horoscope. Email:
Govigama Buddhist parents seek educated pleasant partner with good qualities from a respectable family background for their daughter 29 yrs. 5’4” employed as an executive. Malefic horoscope.
Govi Buddhist parents in U.K. seek a partner, preferably a Doctor, below 35 years, above 5’8” in height for their pretty accomplished 29 years old MBBS, MRCP qualified daughter brought up according to Sri Lankan values. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email:
G/B Kandy professional parents in USA seek well mannered academically professionally qualified honest partner (non smoker, teetotaller) for their 5’3” fair, pretty 27 year daughter in USA working as a university lecturer (M.Sc) brought up with traditional Sinhala Buddhist values. US residing son with similar background preferred. Please reply with horoscope and family details.
Jaffna Hindu Vellalar parents seek suitable partner for doctor daughter age 32 slim, fair and charming. Details with horoscope.
Kandyan Buddhist parents seek a partner with a matching background, preferably in USA or Sri Lanka, for their only daughter a Scientist with a US PhD. and PR, 43, 5’1”, fair, very attractive, younger looking kind caring with impeccable character, currently attached to an Academic Institute in US. Willing to relocate for the right person. Reply with Phone Number and full details.
Kandyan Buddhist respectable family, seek an educated, good looking son preferably an engineer or other suitable professional with good qualities, good character for their daughter born in 1987 October, 5’4” tall, graduated from UK (BSc - MSc) and currently employed in a leading software company in Colombo as a quality assurance engineer. Please reply suitable Shani 7 horoscope with full family details.
Moor parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner for daughter, 27 years, 5’4”, mid complexion, attractive, employed as a banker. Please respond to
Moor Sri Lankan parents, living in Europe, will be in Sri Lanka end July for two weeks, seek for 27+ professionally qualified daughter, hailing from a religious academic background, a mature responsible partner, from a similar background, preferably a Doctor or Engineer, living or working in Europe. Please provide full details to
Moratuwa retired father seeks suitable educated partner for his Christian daughter who is pretty Dental Surgeon Consultant educated in leading schools in Colombo, born in 1980 Doctor Engineeer or any other professionals. He should be a Christian and below 40 years. Email:
Muslim parents from Colombo suburb is looking for a Muslim partner, for their moderately religious graduate daughter, 27 yrs young, Khula divorced with a baby. Partner should be above 5’7” height, religious, humble, honest and willing to support her career growth ambitions, Insha Allah. Please reply with full details including telephone nos. in the first mail to:
Parents seek a kind hearted partner for daughter professionally and academically qualified employed in Colombo Sinhalese Buddhist never married 46 years, 5’3’’, fair with means. Reply with horoscope. E-mail:
Professionally qualified partner is sought by G/K Buddhist parents living in U.S.A. for their well mannered 24 years, 5’1”, slim and pretty daughter holds a Bachelor of Science Degree now employed in a Medical Lab. Living in USA is preferred. Please reply with horoscope. Email :
Professionally qualified son is sought by BG respectable parents Nugegoda for daughter 34 yrs, fair, attractive, 5’6’’, BSc (Hons) Senior Executive, prestigious group like migrating. Shani 7. Reply with HC. Tel: 011-2828969.
Professionally qualified son sought by Colombo B/K parents for their daughter 1984, 5’1”. She is currently doing PhD Final year USA. Reply with horoscope.
Respectable B/G parents from Colombo suburbs, father Group Director seek academically, professionally qualified son with Buddhist values for Sri Lanka or overseas for their daughter 24 years, 5’3’’, slim, pretty and caring with BBA and Masters in Management studies from a prestigious foreign university. She is currently working in a leading MNC in Sri Lanka. She inherits substantial assets as well. Please reply with all details.
Respectable Christian parents Bodu Govi seek a decent teetotaller partner for their daughter age 28, height 5’1” working in a respectable firm as a Company Secretary.
Respectable Sinhala Roman Catholic mother from France seeks a suitable and qualified partner (preferable age between 32 and 36) for their talented, slender, pretty with a charming personality daughter 33 yrs. looks younger, 1st Class IT and human resource professional from one of the top universities in UK and employed as a data base manager attached to a leading international insurance and healthcare business firm in UK for 3 yrs. She moved to Canada and working as a manager attached to an insurance firm in Ontario province, holds dual citizen (French - Canadian). She had her primary education in a leading Convent school in Colombo, only a sister married to an Engineer, family live in France, Caste, religion immaterial. Please reply with family details with horoscope. Email:
Respectable wealthy Buddhist parents seek an educated partner for their 35 yrs. daughter who works and lives in New Zealand with NZ PR. Option of living in Australia or NZ. Divorcees without encumbrances considered. Email:
Sinhala Buddhist parents, US Citizen, business owners, invite a professionally qualified and gainfully employed son 31 years or below a US Citizen or residency holder from a respectable Sinhala Buddhist family to commence a relationship leading to marriage for their daughter the only child, 27 years of age, holds an Associate Degree in Early Childhood and Child Psychology, qualified and Trained Facility Director/ Administrator presently employed and preparing for higher qualifications in the field of Early Childhood Education. If you are genuinely interested, please communicate with the blessings of the family and we will reciprocate ASAP. (Kuja 7). Email:
Sinhala / Govi / Catholic parents living in Brisbane, Australia are seeking a professionally qualified partner, who is an Australian resident, preferably from Brisbane, for their 28 year old daughter. She is professionally qualified and well employed in the financial sector. Please respond with full details by email only:
Sinhalese Govi/ Bodhu parents seeking for a smart academically / professionally qualified partner for their 25 years old daughter, educated at a leading girls school in Colombo and graduated with a first class honours abroad. She is pretty, slim and attractive. She is currently employed as a Senior Executive in a reputed company. Reply with horoscope and family details.
Southern B/G respectable parents seek an academically and professionally qualified well mannered son, for their daughter 31, 5’5” fair, pretty employed as a Masters’ degree qualified Government Executive Kuja Sikuru in 7th house. She inherits assets over 80 million and six figure monthly income. Please reply with family details horoscope and contact number. Email:
Well-connected K/Deva/B parents seek a suitbale son for only daughter MSc graduate UK qualified well-employed, she has substantial assets. 5’4” 39 fair absolutely beautiful, respond with horoscope. No bar.
1973 born very much younger looking pleasant slim 5’3” attractive Australian citizen BCom degree holder daughter now in Sri Lanka on holiday is proposed to a qualified preferably never married gent willing to migrate and work by G/B executive parents. Horoscope needed Email: