Perennial Kandy pageant steps into Digital Age
A popular television commercial issues an
imperative to its viewers: “Hundred things you must do, before you
die.” This functions as a potent appeal because it is tinged with an
implication - to an undertone - of the inevitable vulnerability of
life. The commercial, helpfully suggests that you should do these
things, against the impending fading of life.
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Revival of Nalanda University in the offing
Bihar, a State in India, has a rich and diverse
cultural wealth. It ranges from traditional to contemporary forms of
expressions manifested in different languages and dialects. Art and
architecture, literature, oral traditions and performance cultures
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The Colombo - Kandy Road, the long and the short of it
Many things in the present world we take for
granted. The Colombo - Kandy road is one of them. If we ask a fellow
traveller, whether he knows how this road began, he will say, why it
got going when everything got going. Perhaps the answer is not that
stupid for there certainly has to be a conglomerate of many factors
for its birth, historical and otherwise.
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