Census Department to modernise data collection
The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) has launched a project
to set up a Statistical Database Management System (SDMS) with the
financial and technical co-operation of the office of the Commissioner
of the Statistics, Korea (KOSTAT).
The project will modernise the system of data inputs in statistical
production and deliver efficient service to end users.
The project scope covers system development, expert dispatch,
provision of equipment and training. The system development includes
development of SDMS, statistical portal service system, meta-data system
and integrated data base.
It also includes human resource development and IT infrastructure
development in data collection, processing and dissemination.The
Director General of DCS, D.C.A. Gunawardene said that the US$ 4 million
project will be completed by the end of 2017.
KOSTAT will also support DCS to set up mid and long-term development
plans, develop strategies for strengthening human resources and training
in Sri Lanka.
It also includes training in Korea for high level and working level
officials and instructors. The project will set up a training centre at
the DCS, he said.
“The DCS plays an important role in the dissemination of data to
users and we need to set up an efficient and user-friendly system. At
present we don't have a database and we store data in different forms.
We use a manual data collection process and it is costly and inefficient
because it involves several steps such as collection and transportation
of documents and data entry process,” Gunawardena said.
“In the last census we used scanning for data entry. Under this
project we hope to introduce a computer-based data collection system
that eliminates paper work and improves efficiency in data processing,”
he said.
- GW |