News around the world
Five-year-old mayor loses re-election
A five-year-old boy who served as the mayor of the tiny town of
Dorset, Minnesota lost the most recent election to a 16-year-old boy,
ending his streak as mayor.
Robert - also known as "Bobby" Tufts was only three when he became
the first elected mayor of Dorset. Dorset is a small town with a
population of between nine and 28 people about 250 kilometres (155
miles) north west of Minneapolis. It has no formal city government, so
the mayoral election is purely for fun and fund-raising!
Dorset residents can vote as many times for whatever candidate they
want for $1 per vote. Ballot boxes are placed around town and all money
raised goes towards putting together the annual Taste of Dorset
festival, where the next mayor is decided by pulling a name out of one
big ballot box.
This year the winning name was that of Eric Mueller. Bobby is ready
to step aside. "It was fun, but it's time to pass on the vote," the
almost-six-year-old said Monday. "He really enjoyed being a kid in some
festivals, not having to perform," said his mom Emma of Bobby's return
to his job as a regular kid. Instead of throwing candy at festivals,
Bobby now gets to be the one catching it.
Fourteen-year-old swims across Lake Ontario!

A 14-year-old girl from St. Catharines, Ontario is the youngest
person to swim across Lake Ontario! Trinity Arsenault completed the
52-kilometre (32-mile) swim from Niagara to Toronto, Ontario in less
than 24 hours!
Trinity's mother Christine also completed the swim a few years ago.
Not only is Trinity the youngest person to complete the swim, but is
also a part of the only mother-daughter duo to do the swim.
In 1954 Marilyn Bell became the first person to ever swim across the
lake. When Trinity finished her swim, Bell called to congratulate her!
"She said I remind her of herself with a dream and that she hopes we
become good friends," Trinity said Bell said during their call.
"I can't believe Marilyn Bell just said that to me!"
The record was previously held by Annaleise Carr who swam the same
route when she was 14 years and 158 days old in 2012. Trinity completed
her swim when she was 14 years and 70 days old.
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New fossil suggests dinos had feathers
A newly discovered species of plant-eating dinosaur has lead
scientists to believe that all dinosaurs had the ability to grow
feathers! Kulindadromeus Zabaikalicus was discovered in eastern Siberia
and lived about 160 million years ago, around the same time as the
Aurornis Xui, the oldest-known relative of modern birds. It was about
the size of a turkey and had a scaly tail and shins and short bristles
on its head and back.
But the most exciting feature of the dinosaur is the feathers on its
arms and legs, which would have given it the same down look as some
modern chicken breeds, like the Silkie.
Until now, the only dinosaurs known to have feathers were meat-eating
Theropods who are believed to be the direct ancestors of modern birds.
But Kulindadromeus was a plant-eating dinosaur and belonged to a group
of dinosaurs called Ornithiscians, which included duck-billed Hadrosaurs,
Stegosaurs and Ankylosaurs.
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