Setting up of early Aryan settlements
by Husna Inayathullah
Thousands of years ago many immigrants came to Sri Lanka and
established settlements. Vijaya and his men who migrated to Sri Lanka in
the fifth century BC were the first Aryan settlers.

Vijaya established his kingdom at Upatissa gama in the northwestern
region. His close aides established settlements naming the settlements
after their own names.
Anuradha gama was established by Anuradha, Upatissa gama was set up
by Upatissa, Udeni gama by Udeni and Uruwela gama by Uruwela.
Most of these settlements were established in the basin of Malwathu
The knowledge they possessed on agricultural activities would have
influenced them to make their habitation in these regions. These regions
were suitable for agriculture because of the seasonal rainfall and
fertile soil.
Many migrant groups came to Sri Lanka after the arrival of Vijaya.
According to legend and historical details recorded in the Deepawamsa
and Mahawamsa after the arrival of prince Vijaya, a large number of
Aryans had migrated here with the Kshatriya princess Baddhakachchana of
Princess Baddhakachchana of Madavapura along with a large group of
Aryans have entered the island. They have enteredfrom Gokanna and
Gonagama which is presently known as Trincomalee. They too have made
habitations. Some of their settlements were Vijitha gama, Deegayu gama
and Rohana gama.
Setting up settlements in river valleys was a common feature among
Aryan settlers.
Gradually Aryan habitation moved into the interior of the island from
river valleys and the administrative structures too moved into the inner
region along with it. Shifting of administrative centre from Thambapanee
(Thammannawa) to Upatissa gama took place during King Vijaya's time.
King Pandukabaya built a large city at Anuradha gama and shifted the
capital there.
Some immigrants from India have made their way into the island from
the northern region through Dambakola Patuna. They have established
habitations in that area as well.
Other immigrants have made settlements in modern day Kataragama that
was known as Kajaragama.
Most of the settlers selected low lands and coastal areas to make
their settlements. |