National Holidays
by Sumana Saparamadu
Holidays have begun. April vacation was a short holiday limited to
two weeks. You have a long holiday in August and another in December.
addition to these school holidays, there are other holidays in the year
which all of you will enjoy. They are national holidays for the whole
nation. In calendars and diaries these days are marked Public, Bank and
Mercantile holidays. On these days all government offices, schools,
banks, shops, business houses and company offices will be closed.
Sri Lanka has many national holidays. Sri Lanka has more national
holidays than any other country.
Sri Lanka has 12 Poya or full-moon holidays and an extra day for
Vesak 13 days in all.
Then, there are the New Year and other festival holidays. The Sinhala
and Tamil New Year day and the day before are holidays which makes 15
days. Thai Pongal, Holy Prophet's birthday and Christmas day are
holidays and brings the total upto 18 days. Independence Day, which
falls on February 4 and Labour Day on May 1 are also holidays, bringing
the total of National Holidays to 20 days.
In addition to these 20 national holidays, there are five holidays
which are public and bank holidays but not mercantile holidays.

They are Good Friday, Maha Shivarathri, Deepavali, Ramazan and Hajji
festivals. Employees of these faiths (religions) are entitled to a
holiday on the days connected with their religion.
Sri Lankans enjoy more holidays than people in most countries.
Hong Kong and South Korea in Asia and Argentina and Colombia in South
America are the countries closest to us. These four countries all have
18 holidays each. Bangladesh has 16, Japan 15 and Indonesia 13 holidays
each but Pakistan only 8 days.
Spain has the most number of holidays in Europe - 14 days in the
year. Austria is a close second with 13 holidays. Sweden and France have
11 days each and Belgium 10 days. Britain has only eight national
holidays and we in Sri Lanka have 20.
Switzerland, one of the world's richest countries, has only seven
national holidays. |