22 stay back for economic reasons:
Ninety Lankans return from violence-hit Libya
by Manjula Fernando
The Government had brought down 90 Sri Lankan migrant workers from
violence-hit Libya upto last week, but 22 more are still staying there,
a spokesman for the Embassy in Cairo had informed the External Affairs
Ministry, official sources said.
Since the Security and political stability continued to deteriorate
posing a grave threat to the civilians there, the Sri Lankan Mission in
Cairo took prompt action to bring down the Lankans with the help of the
International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Tunis, the official
These Lankans, who had been virtually stranded, were transported to
the Tunisian border with the help of two former locally recruited staff
members of the Sri Lankan Embassy which has been closed in Tripoli. The
IOM, Tunis has borne all local costs including visa fees, transport and
accommodation, for Sri Lankans while they were in Tunisia.
The IOM office in Tripoli was closed due to intense fighting.
Another five Lankans have been evacuated across the highly guarded
Libyan- Egyptian border.
Sri Lanka was the first to receive IOM assistance to evacuate its
employees from Libya, he said “The majority of those returned were from
areas where intense fighting is on with indiscriminate mortar and
artillery fire.
”The Embassy in Cairo had taken swift action to approach IOM for
assistance to get the Sri Lankans out.
They were brought down to Colombo in batches from July 18 - August
10. The Foreign Employment Bureau funded the flight from Tunisia to
The 22 Lankans who opted to remain in Libya have cited economic
reasons for their decision to stay back. The Tripoli international
airport has been destroyed by militia groups.
Hence the only link between the Libyan capital and the rest of the
world is a road link with the Tunisian border town, Rasdeer.