Epidemiology unit steps up Ebola screening
by Carol Aloysius
With the number of globally suspected and confirmed cases of the
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has exceeded 1,200 with almost 900 deaths
mainly in the West African countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and
Liberia, the Government Epidemiology Unit (GEU) is further strengthening
its surveillance of arrivals from these countries.
"We are not taking any chances. All arrivals, especially those from
West African countries, will be screened whether they have the symptoms
or not at our special counters at the Bandaranaike International
Airport, on Katunayake", Epidemiology Chief Dr Paba Palihawadane told
the Sunday Observer.
She said airport officials had sent a list of all arrivals in
high-risk countries to the GEU on a daily basis to enable Medical
Officers of Health to be present when they arrived. "No sooner they
disembark they are taken to our special counters where they are
screened. The counters are open 24 hours," she said and added that no
cases of Ebola had yet been detected.
"However, if any person shows the slightest symptoms they will be
immediately isolated and taken to the Infectious Disease Hospital for
further investigation"
The GEU has sent out circulars setting out guidelines for clinical
management of the disease said to be fatal in over 90 percent of the
cases, to all health officials requesting them to brief nursing and
health staff on the nature and transmission of the disease (which is by
direct contact with blood or secretions of an infected person) and the
symptoms such as high fever, headache, weakness, vomitting, abdominal
pains and in some cases internal bleeding.