Workshop on food manufacturing
by H.L. Sunil Shantha, Kalutara Central Spl. Cor.
A workshop on food processing and food manufacturing for those
involved in food manufacturing industry, was conducted by the
small-scale industries development unit of the Kalutara District
Secretariat, recently.
Seminars, lectures and demonstrations were done by officials the Sri
Lanka Standards Institute, Consumers Affairs Authority (CAA), Sri Lanka
PHIs Association and Sri Lanka police department. The program was held
on the instructions of Kalutara GA U.D. Chandana Jayalal, at the main
auditorium of the Kalutara District Secretariat recently.
A large number of small-scale food manufacturing industry businessmen
in the Kalutara district took part in this workshop, which was organised
by the Assit Director of Small-scale Industries Development Unit, with
the corporation of his staff members of the Kalutara district