Sanitary conditions in cinemas under check
by Rohana Jayalal
The Health Department of the Colombo Municipal Council introduced a
new telephone number for people's complaints pertaining to low sanitary
conditions at cinemas and decide to inspect all film halls in Colombo
Municipal Council area from tomorrow.
Chief Medical Officer of Health of the CMC,stated that following a
number of complaints received, a decision had been taken to introduce a
new telephone number and inspect the sanitary conditions of all the
cinema halls.
The program will commence from Monday to ensure the public a clean
and hygienic environment. It will be based on the cleanliness of seats
in the movie hall the sanitation conditions of the toilets and toilet
seats and for favourable odour and the food sold in canteens will also
be scrutinized.
The Chief Medical Officer of Health of the CMC, Dr Ruwan Wijayamuni
said that a decision was also taken to not issue licences to film halls
that are without proper sanitary conditions and requested all movie fans
to call the number 0112 696 594 for complaints pertaining to low
sanitary conditions at film halls.