Stringent legal action to be taken against those who
abuse children:
Rs. 700m for child protection centres in the North, East and South -
Minister Tissa Karaliyadda
By Naalir Jamaldeen
The Child Development and Women's Affairs Ministry plans to introduce
various welfare measures for women and children. Several women and
children programs were now functioning across the country, Minister
Tissa Karaliyadda said in an interview with the Sunday Observer..

Minister Tissa Karaliyadda |
He said that stringent legal action will be taken against those who
abuse children and violate their fundamental rights. If a person is
found guilty of carrying out propaganda on websites to mislead children
they will be imprisoned for a period between 10 and 20 years..
The hot line 1929 of the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA)
has been improved to receive telephone calls if action has to be taken.
Now the phone number functions round the clock. Forcible abuse of
children has declined by a considerable level due to the awareness
campaigns carried out in the past.
Q: Can you outline the programs implemented by the Government
to protect children from abuse and violence?
A: While introducing new programs to ascertain the protection
of children, we carried forward the programs launched by the previous
Minister and the Chairperson of NCPA. After I assumed duty as the
Minister, we drafted various mechanisms to safeguard innocent children
from being abused. As an institution which has close links with the
people, the NCPA introduced the hotline 1929 and it is now successfully
functioning rendering a great service to children. Children maintain
cordial relationship with this service and make complaints on this
number when required.
The Chairperson of the Child Protection Authority is working with
dedication to minimise child abuse and the violence against children.
Rs. 700 million to the Child Development and Women's Affairs
Ministry. Utilising these funds, child protection centres will be set up
in the rural areas in the North, East and South to create awareness and
minimise child abuse and violence against children. The required
fundamental facilities will also be developed using these funds.
A large amount of money has been allocated to all District
Secretaries across the country.
These funds will be utilised to set up child care centres and to
improve the child protection network.
The Commissioner of Child Care and Child Probation also received
sufficient funds to implement programs for children. Even though Child
probation officers work under the provincial Governments, they also
extend cooperation to the Central Government in implementing programs at
district level.
There was a shortage of officers, we filled the vacancies by
appointing graduates. My Ministry has a huge responsibility to protect
the fundamental rights and privileges of children. All should work in
unison, then only the goal can be achieved. Certain volunteer
organisations also work with us with dedication. People in the villages
cooperate with us. We have expanded counselling service for children,
women and parents.
Q: Can you explain the programs to be implemented for
A: We plan to set up child protection centres countrywide. The
Ministry has set up such a centre at the Ampara District Secretariat
Premises. A pre school and a child care centre also functions at this
centre, Employed parents can leave the their children at this centre
while they are at work. After the pre school the children will be looked
after at the child care centre until e parents return. This mechanism
will ensure the protection of children. Babies can also be handed over
at this centre. The children at these centres will receive maximum
Q: Can you explain the programs being implemented to minimise
child abuse over the Internet?
A: My Ministry jointly with the NCPA has initiated awareness
programs among parents at village level. Long term imprisonment and
punishment will be meted out to those who abuse children.
The Government has taken such an initiative to protect children from
being abused. The special unit of the NCPA conducts raids from time to
time on receipt of information. Forcible abuse of children has decreased
by a considerable amount..
Q: Can you tell us whether domestic violence against children
and women has increased or is on the wane?
A: Only a few incidents have been reported. That has also
decreased in the recent past due to the awareness campaigns conducted by
the NCPA under the supervision of my Ministry. When we receive such
information, we raid those places with the help of the police. Some
times such incidents are on the increase. I have directed the officers
to be vigilant.
We conduct awareness programs for parents in the areas where such
problems might crop up. Parents have the responsibility to protect their
children. Carelessness of parents is the main reason for such incidents.
Certain people say poverty is the prime cause for such incidents but
carelessness is the prime reason accompany such incidents. Such
incidents take place even in rich families.
Q: Can you tell us about provincial level child detention
centre program?
A: My Ministry has taken steps to set up child detention
centres in the provincial level. Under the first phase such centres will
be set up in six provinces at a cost of Rs. 226 million. These centres
will be set up in Western, Central, North, North Central, Uva, and
Northern province.
Q: Can you elaborate the programs implemented to protect the
privileges and rights of children and women in the North?
A: The Child Development and Women's Affairs Ministry has
initiated a new program jointly with the security forces to protect and
further develop the privileges of women and children in the North. A
workshop was held at Kilinochchi Nelum Piyasa to make the three armed
forces and the police officers who serve in the Northern province.
The relevant officers were made aware of the programs being
implemented by the Ministry to empower the women and children and to
protect their rights. After the restoration of peace the armed forces in
the North extend fullest cooperation in the development works and they
maintain close relationship with the people in the North. The new
program will be helpful to minimise the violation against children and
Q: Can you tell us about the "National Data Base on Women"?
A: Child Development and Women's Affairs Ministry has taken
steps to set up new such bases in the Divisional Secretariat Division
level in the Northern province.
This unit will be known as "e women". The new Base will be modified
through the administrative report of women. The help from Census and
Statistics Department, IT Division of Colombo University and Sri Lanka
Institute of Development and Administration will be sought.
These units will help to empower women and get them involved in the
national development process.
Q: Can you tell us about Child and Women Development Units in
the Northern Province?
A: My Ministry allocated Rs. eight million worth computers and
stationery to 23 Divisional Secretariat Offices in the Northern province
to set up Child and Women's Development Units in the Northern Province.
These centres will be set up covering all Divisional Secretariat
Divisions across the country. Through these units, we hope to provide
relief to children and women who were affected by war and due to various
other reasons under the direct supervision of Divisional Secretaries.
My Ministry has been assigned the responsibility of providing relief
collecting the correct data of women and children and women in the
Divisional Secretariat Division level across the country.
Even during the conflict period and after the conflict certain NGOs
submitted wrong information about the children and women in the Northern
Province to the international community. We hope to set up a unit with
information of women and children which are gathered from Divisional
Secretariat Division level units.
These centres are to be set up to collect the information of
vulnerable women, widows, women centric families, female, male children
and children with special needs in each Divisional Secretariat Division
and to provide protection and security to them. The required funds have
been allocated to other Divisional Secretariat Divisions to set up such