Maa-lick hits back at Ka-roo
Ka-roo castigated Maa-lick at a top-level Greens' meeting presided
over by Ra-Blue. Ka-roo had accused the former Green chairman of playing
double games and leaking inside information to the governing types.
However, Maa-lick said it was not him but Ka-roo who played double games
and betrayed the party by joining the ruling party with 17 others.
Sam's attempt to dump Buddi-Car fails
Wedding Sam's attempt to disrupt a meeting to mark the tenth
anniversary of Buddi-Car's political career failed miserably. Being
fully aware that Buddi-car's celebrations were to be held on August 16
at Matara, Sam requested all organisers to be present at his residence
at the same time to discuss plans for Ra-Blue's visit later this month.
Buddi-car informed party seniors, forcing Sam to abandon his meeting.
Bhikkhu furious over Ra-blue, Bell Boys contesting
The bhikkhu who is daydreaming of becoming the candidate that is
common at the next Prez polls was furious after the Bell Boys said that
they too would field their own candidate if the Greens decide to field
Ra-Blue from the Elephant Party. This followed after Atta-Leader said
that Ra-Blue will contest the next Prez polls.
Big Lady's last attempt comes a cropper
The Retired Big Lady failed miserably in her last attempt to return
to active politics. Following Atta-Leader's announcement that Ra-Blue
will definitely contest from the You-En-Pee, the Big Lady inquired from
Fonny and the Bell Boys whether the two minor parties could back her as
the candidate that is common. Lo and behold Anura Prince and Fonny
turned down the request. |