Man delivers baby following over-the-phone instructions
16 Aug Chutian Metropolis Daily
A man in Wuhan, Hubei Province successfully delivered his baby at
home by following over-the-phone instructions from an emergency medical
dispatch, local media reported .The proud husband, surnamed Yang, said
he called 120 emergency operators on Saturday night after his wife
suddenly went into labor as she prepared to go to the hospital for
queasiness.The baby was due to be born on August 13.
Yang heard his wife shout "the baby is born!" from the bathroom, to
which he rushed and called emergency medical services.Clamping a mobile
phone between ear and shoulder, Yang followed step-by-step instructions
from a doctor.
"My wife and I were very nervous, but I had no choice but to go with
it," Yang said.Yang found two blankets to keep his wife and baby warm,
tenderly wiped his son's mouth and nose with a towel, cinched the
umbilical cord with his shoelace and skillfully removed the placenta.
A team of doctors and nurses from a local hospital arrived at the
couple's home after the delivery. Both mother and child are now safe in
hospital.Yang said that all the pregnancy classes he had attended and
his quick wits prepared him to calmly follow the doctor's instructions.
Although he is not a health professional, he followed my instructions
on the phone while caring for his wife and child.