Ra-Blue plays Santa Claus
Ra-Blue is playing all his cards as he hopes to cement his Green
candidature at the next Prez polls.
While giving strategic posts such as deputy secretary that is general
to confidants such as Ah-killer, Ra-Blue adeptly satisfied all,
including Saa-jeet the Love-Slave, 'distributing' posts in the
You-En-Pee like Santa Claus.
Green leader's advice to Huh-Ring
Ra-Blue asked Gem Wije to offer the youth wing leadership of the
Elephant Party to Huh-Ring. Ra-Blue also told Huh-Ring that he should
not accept the youth wing even if Gem Wije offers it.
"You could play a better role when the current youth wing leader
replaces me," Ra-Blue told Huh-Ring. Thus, the Green leader handled the
matter quite deftly using one percent of his uncle JRJ's brain.
Jubilant Soo-me to plot against Prince
Soo-me, the One-Sa, was overjoyed that his successor's performance
was no better though Anura Prince had bragged about a revolution in the
party after taking over the leadership.
Anura Prince, who was in the seventh heaven learnt the bitter truth
after his party's debacle at the Uva polls.
Soo-me, the One-Sa is now using Lull-Kanth to launch a campaign
against Anura Prince.
Big Lady's dream shattered
The retired Big Lady had volunteered to unite the Bell Boys and the
You-En-Pee to form a coalition to take over the Uva PC administration.
The Lady's face had turned red when she realised that the governing
party had an absolute majority of six seats and that she could not
prevent them from securing power even if she mediates to unite the two
Opposition parties.
She had even phoned Huh-Ring on the eve of the election and pledged
strategic support.