Would you sponsor their wedding?
There is a perfect way to organise your dream wedding without
spending a cent.
Courtney McKenzie and her fiancé Jamil Newell from Orlande, Florida
are just doing that.
They have issued a press release calling for a corporate-sponsored
“social” wedding and honeymoon, which means their important anf special
moments will feature several product endorsements and advertisements.
Courtney, who works in social media and runs a marketing company, is the
brains behind the idea. “I thought, why not couple my two loves: my soon
to be husband Jamil and my love for marketing?” she said. Jamil isn’t
complaining either - after all, who wouldn’t want an all-expense paid
wedding and honeymoon?
The couple, who love travelling, will be getting married this winter
at their dream wedding destination - Thailand.Once they decided on the
plan, Courtney put out a press release and started sending it out to
It caught on rather quickly, and soon their idea for a sponsored
wedding went viral on sites Buzzfeed and Facebook, and the couple was
featured on the Today Show. Believe it or not, reporters were actually
fighting to get their interview.
They also set up a wedding website with a detailed itinerary of their
travel plans, as well as packages for interested corporate sponsors.
They include mentions of companies and products on several social
media sites they’ll be using during their wedding and honeymoon, as well
as more straightforward marketing techniques, like having company logos
sewn on their wedding dress and tuxedo. As long as they are able to
raise the $30,000 they need for their dream wedding, they don’t mind
acting as living billboards.
 We have created several sponsorship categories that incorporate your
amazing company in our one-of-a-kind social wedding,” Courtney and Jamil
wrote on their website. “The top category is called the ‘title sponsor’
(price upon request), where a company can have its logo sewn on
Courtney’s wedding gown and Jamil’s tuxedo. Brands with a smaller budget
can opt for the $500 ‘bliss level’ package, which earns them signage
display stands at the ceremony.
All sponsors, irrespective of the category, will be promoted on the
couple’s social media accounts.
So far, the campaign has had some success - Courtney and Jamil have
been promised free wedding bands for the ceremony.
Their wedding attire is being covered as well, and a hotel is willing
to provide them free accommodation on their honeymoon.
“We have a few Fortune 500 companies who have reached out to us which
is exactly what we wanted, as well as smaller companies like GlamHotlist,
who are sponsoring my entire wedding and honeymoon wardrobe,” said
Courtney. “A lot of companies have been contacting us and we’re just
excited to go through them all.”
The couple also plan to donate a part of their sponsorship money
(beyond the cost of the trip) to charity.
Hand stands on skyscrapers, a thrill-seeker’s daredevil act
Standing on top of a skyscraper using only the hands or else
performing a hand stand on a 500 ft high building can be called as an
act involving high risk.
But not for 25-year-old Scott Young of Basingstroke, Hampshire, a
thrill- seeker who climbs tall buildings and perform hand stands on the
very edge of those massive structures.
Mind you for these dangerous acts he doesn’t use any safety ropes or
nets.He carries only a small camera strapped to his foot to record the
unnerving view below. Scott is a thrill seeker unlike any other. Most
adventurers are content with just travelling the world, but this young
daredevil takes the phrase ‘living on the edge’ to a whole new level. He
actually performs handstands on top of skyscrapers and other tall
buildings in every city that he visits..
Scott has been a professional free-runner since the age of 15, which
means that he performs stunts like climbing tall urban buildings and
jumping between rooftops.
Scott has starred in films like The Amazing Spiderman and is now a
part of the 3RUN team of acrobats. But he’s currently working on his pet
project called ‘Handstands in High Places’.
So far, he has filmed himself performing handstands in three
countries – England, China and India. His latest pictures are from the
edge of an old, derelict 20-storey building in New Delhi. This was by
far the most dangerous stunt he’s performed - purely because of the bad
condition of the building. But Scott was pretty nonchalant about the
whole affair. According to Scott, the project is a mind game.
“It’s more of a mental thing than anything else – you’ve just got to
focus your mind on what you’re doing, not what you think might happen.
When you do a handstand, you have to focus on the ground in front of
you to keep your balance.
If it’s only a few feet away, that’s fine, but I look right down to
the bottom of the building - it’s so far I just have to block it out of
my mind.”
Recently Scott tried an equally bizarre stunt - he balanced himself
on a car park roof, on a fence that was only a couple of inches wide.
“This was more of a technical challenge, because the flat top of the
fence was only as wide as my thumb,” he said. “Plus, if I’d fallen off
the side, I would have probably died and my mum would have killed me
because of the scandal it would cause.”
Shortly after this, Scott attempted to perch himself quite
precariously on the edge of a 40-storey skyscraper in Shanghai (about
480 foot). Even his teammates begged him to put on a harness, but he
wouldn’t hear of it. He apparently can’t get enough of the adrenaline
rush that accompanies these gravity-defying stunts.
Naturally, Scott’s mother Samantha Young is worried sick for his
safety. She got very upset when he showed her the first video he filmed,
so he stopped telling her about his activities now. But he isn’t exactly
invincible. “I’ve had a few injuries in my time,” he said. “I’ve torn
ligaments and things in my shoulder, but they’re usually just repetitive
injuries rather than from bad falls.”
His worst fall came during a film premier – his stunt went horribly
wrong and he ended up on the crash mat with a broken ankle.
The irony, he said, is that he might have escaped unharmed if he had
actually landed on the hard concrete floor instead! |