Permit developing nations to set policy priorities - Dr. Kohona
Countries must be allowed the policy space to set
their own domestic priorities while developing the post-2015
development agenda. Instead of demanding that countries re-prioritise
domestic spending, there should be a focus on strengthening
partnerships between developed and developing countries,
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People's will, the bedrock of a Constitution
The stability of Government is a sine qua non
for development and rapid economic progress. A classic example is
Singapore. Singapore has been successful due to political stability.
Lee Kuan Yew served as Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to
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Climate summit in Peru :
Focus on emission reduction targets
As the host of the upcoming climate summit, Peru
has much to share with the wider world on the challenges it faces
due to changing climate. Peru will host the UN-sponsored Conference
of Parties (COP) climate talks this December. The world’s peak
climate conference, the COP is an annual event first held in Berlin
in 1995, leading to provisional developments such as the Kyoto
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