SLI assigned AAA and P1 ratings
Rating Agency (LRA) has assigned Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation Ltd's (SLIC)
long and short-term claims-paying ability ratings at AAA and P1.
The outlook on the long-term rating is stable. The ratings are upheld
by SLIC's strong competitive position, financial flexibility derived
from State ownership, systemic importance as the country's second
largest premium underwriter and the above average capitalisation levels
and solvency ratios.
LRA's (formerly RAM Rating Lanka), technical partner is CRISIL India.
CRISIL is a global analytical company providing ratings, research and
risk and policy advisory services.
CRISIL is India's leading ratings agency and is also a provider of
high-end research to the world's largest banks and leading corporations.
CRISIL's majority shareholder is Standard and Poor (S and P). S and
P, a part of McGraw Hill Financial (formerly The McGraw-Hill Companies)
is the one of the world's foremost providers of credit ratings. |