Nothing good can come from a yelling match:
How to deal with your boss
By Lionel Wijesiri
Bad bosses - whether ogres, control freaks, jerks or bumbling fools -
can be found in all organisations. They are no laughing matter when you
have to face him or her every working day. Having a bad boss can make
your work life a misery, but it can also make you sick, both physically
and mentally.

A great boss views his position as both a leader and coach,
someone who encourages his players, who leads his team by
example. |
Having worked for nearly four decades in the corporate sector, of
which first half with a number of not-so-inspiring bosses including
tyrants and hypocrites, and the other half as a boss myself, I’ve
identified three types of bad bosses and also trade secrets of how to
handle them.
Who are these three are the top “bad boss” characteristics:
This type of a boss plays an excessively large role in the work of
the subordinates. Instead of letting the team members use their own
judgment, the boss makes every decision or dictates every step to take.
This can be especially frustrating to capable workers, turning an
interesting task into boring work.
This type is on the other end of the spectrum. Unlike micromanager,
they fail to give any directions at all. The subordinates feel that
their boss is ignoring them. As a result, they feel that they have to
guess what their bosses want.
A boss who gets angry and abuses his or her workers is probably the
worst type of “bad boss.” By yelling at or otherwise belittling his or
her employees, an abusive boss fosters an environment of fear. There is
no excuse for this behaviour - yet abusive bosses can be found in all
sorts of organisations
If you have one of these three types as your boss, it can really
siphon out the enjoyment from what might otherwise be a rewarding
career, and wondering whether you should begin searching for something
new. Before you take that decision, let us see what you can do about it
right now.
Managing the bad boss
Let me give you five tips.
Don’t act immediately. Maybe you will want to fight back. You may
think of writing a blistering review of your boss and e-mailing it to
the CEO. Those thoughts aren’t necessarily harmful. But thoughts don’t
have to lead to action. Your boss may be small-minded, two-faced,
spineless, and technically inept.
But would a dramatic gesture be worth the lost salary? Is it worth a
hole in your résumé, the one you’ll find difficulty in explaining for
years to come? This isn’t the economy to choose pride over practicality.
Play the game. You were been unfairly smeared. But don’t let it turn
you sour or sloppy. And don’t let your boss get to you, either. Nod and
smile when he delivers another self-serving sermon. Maintain a “can-do”
attitude, like you have your dream job. Respect and defer, even when
trust is lost. You’ll have to work with plenty of bad bosses over your
career. You may as well start practising now.
Fix the micromanager. If your boss is a micromanager, first make sure
that he or she isn’t merely responding to your own poor performance. If
you have shown that you cannot perform good work without heavy-handed
supervision, your boss may feel that he or she has to constantly look
over your shoulder.
In that event, when a relatively unimportant assignment comes up, ask
your boss to grant you additional responsibility “just this once.” If he
or she agrees, put forth extraordinary effort to ensure that the project
exceeds the expectations.
If your boss micromanages your entire team, you can be confident that
it’s not just you. Your next step should be to sit down with your boss
and talk about his or her overbearing supervision. It is not an easy
task. You may fear that your boss will take your criticism as an attack
or otherwise identify you as an “enemy.”
Don’t be scared. In my experience, this type of bosses often respond
well to constructive criticism from their subordinates.
Clarification then and there
Many micromanagers have an underlying fear that something will go
wrong if anyone is given managerial discretion. You can address this
fear by frequently sharing information throughout the course of an
assignment. Don’t wait for your boss to ask how things are going;
instead, send a daily email with status reports and next steps. This
helps reassure your boss that, in fact, everything is under control.
Fix the ‘neglecter’. To fix the ‘neglecter’ type’s problem, you’ll
have to be very self-asserting to get your boss’s attention. If you
receive an assignment with unclear goals, ask for clarification right
then and there. Don’t leave your boss’s office or hang up the phone
until you are satisfied that you know what you need to do.
During the course of the assignment, you should also communicate more
frequently with your boss. For instance, if you send your boss a key
email every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 p.m., he or she will know
that it’s important - and be more likely to respond to it.
If that doesn’t work, try to speak face to face with your boss
about getting more direction.

Bad bosses speak loudly, rudely to staff. They don’t give
time for staff to respond to accusations and comments. |
Be specific about what you need and how your boss can be helpful.
Fix the yeller. The only way to deal with a yelling boss is not to
take personally the fact that he or she regularly loses self- control.
The boss’s unacceptable behaviour has nothing to do with you. It has
everything to do with his or her own problems, which you can’t fix.
Nevertheless, your behaviour may unwittingly push your boss’s “hot
buttons” and trigger a stream of abuse. If you want to stick it out with
such a boss, try to identify what those triggers are. Does your boss go
ballistic if you arrive five minutes late or if your desk is slightly
messy? If so, the simplest solution is to avoid behaviours that invite
your boss’s wrath.
But this strategy won’t work if your boss plays the blame game and
gets angry whenever an assignment turns sour. You can try to explain the
key causes and suggest how you will address them in the future. You can
try to brush off abusive behaviour with self-control.
Unfortunately, many abusive bosses know exactly what they’re doing.
They’ll push and push until they meet resistance, at which point they’re
likely to retreat. The only way to succeed with such a boss is to stand
your ground.
Insist that your boss treats you with respect. Be specific about how
his or her abusive behaviour is affecting your work and which particular
actions are intolerable. But whatever you do, keep your cool; nothing
good can come from a yelling match.
If you fail in your all remedies, there are a couple of alternatives.
They come with no guarantees, but they may be worth considering.
The first is to wait it out. Bad bosses can be like bullies who
eventually get tired of harassing people, particularly once they realise
that it won’t get them anywhere.
A boss’s bad behaviour is visible to others, so hanging in there,
without complaining, will be viewed positively. And over time, a bad
boss may even self-destruct and lose credibility.
The second alternative is to seek other options, both inside and out.
Use the situation as an opportunity to reassess your career, your
work-life priorities, and how you define success. In the long run, the
bad boss will liberate you to pursue another direction. |