SLIM - Experience Sharing Forum features Ranjith Pandithage
The Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) recently hosted an
Experience Sharing Forum (ESF) featuring renowned corporate personality
Ranjith Pandithage, which was attended by a large number of SLIM
The ESF was held at the Diesel and Motor Engineering PLC (DIMO)
auditorium under the theme 'Generational learnings in leading the DIMO
tribe', to provide SLIM members a better understanding of industrial
marketing which remains one of the most important, yet least understood,
business growth strategies.
Chairman and Managing Director, DIMO, Ranjith Pandithage, shared his
experience and insight on this topic gained during his 40 years at DIMO
and attributed the success of the company to the DIMO brand, its culture
and staff.
"DIMO has a culture of providing international quality products and
superior service to customers and that has been our competitive
advantage over the years," Pandithage said.
"In the 1950s there was a passion to own a Mercedes Benz among the
elite and affluent of society and I doubt there was a need for any
marketing or salesmanship at that time," he said.
Pandithage had his education at Ananda College, Colombo. An Engineer
by profession, he holds a Dip. Ing. from Germany and is a member of the
Institute of Engineers, Germany (VDI).
He joined DIMO in June 1973 and was appointed to the Board of
Directors in June 1977. He became the joint Managing Director of DIMO in
November 1984 and the Managing Director in 1986.
He was appointed Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer in
1994 and thereafter, the Chairman, Managing Director and CEO in July