New partnerships to improve data on women and girls
New York: The World Bank Group is scaling up partnerships with UN
agencies and the Data2X initiative to fill vast data gaps related to
women and girls, as part of a broad effort to empower them and end
extreme poverty.
"It is not enough any more to make a case on moral grounds, because
we are not making enough progress" toward gender equality, former US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said. "So I want to combine all the
data collected by the World Bank and other organisations and make it an
enduring part of our diplomacy and work."
"We need to bring the data home and make it real for people. Help
make an evidence-based case for helping women and girls," she said at a
Data 2X event to unveil a number of new partnerships at Bloomberg
Scant data globally reveal too little about women's health,
childbirth conditions, workplace roles, economic empowerment, and labour,
which makes benchmarking progress toward achieving gender equality
Among new and expanded partnerships, the World Bank Group is working
with the International Labour Organisation and Food and Agriculture
Organisation to operationalise new international definitions of work and
employment that recognise all productive activities, paid and unpaid -
which has major implications for how women's work is measured.
The result will guide statisticians and survey designers to
accurately measure women's labour. This will complement the Bank's work
with the UN Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) Initiative to
gather data on women's asset ownership and entrepreneurship.
"We need better data and more of it and am vey optimistic," said
World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani Indrawati.
She said that new technologies are facilitating better data
collection at lower cost. Women make up half the world's workforce and
perform most of its unpaid care, but they remain far more vulnerable
than men to poverty.
Educating and empowering them and ensuring they have access to
economic assets is vital to ending poverty once and for all, Indrawati
The World Bank Group has with the World Health Organisation and
others, developed plans to scale up collection of vital statistics.
Marriage and divorce registrations will expand the ability of women and
girls to own and inherit property, while birth and marriage
registrations will helpprevent early and forced marriage.
The Bank Group is also housing a new Global Financing Facility for
the Every Woman Every Child initiative, supporting countries as they
institute universal registration of every pregnancy, birth and death by
"Data on maternal health needs to be properly recorded, so we can
work with non-profit organisations and governments to improve and save
If you can get the data, you can save lives. If you can't measure it,
you can't manage it," former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.