Heart of Earth's inner core revealed
by Rebecca Morelle
Scientists say they have gained new insight into what lies at the
very centre of the Earth.
Research from China and the US suggests that the innermost core of
our planet has another, distinct region at its centre.
The team believes that the structure of the iron crystals there is
different from those found in the outer part of the inner core.

Lying 5,000km beneath our feet, the core is beyond the reach
of direct investigation |
Without being able to drill into the heart of the Earth, its make-up
is something of a mystery.
So instead, scientists use echoes generated by earthquakes to study
the core, by analysing how they change as they travel through the
different layers of our planet.
Prof Xiaodong Song, from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign said: "The waves are bouncing back and forth from one
side of the Earth to the other side of the Earth."
Prof Song and his colleagues in China say this data suggests that the
Earth's inner core - a solid region that is about the size of the Moon -
is made up of two parts.
The seismic wave data suggests that crystals in the "inner inner
core" are aligned in an east-to-west direction - flipped on their side,
if you are looking down at our planet from high above the North Pole.
Those in the "outer inner core" are lined up north to south, so
vertical if peering down from the same lofty vantage point. Prof Song
said: "The fact we are discovering different structures at different
regions of the inner core can tell us something about the very long
history of the Earth."
The core, which lies more than 5,000km down, started to solidify
about a billion years ago - and it continues to grow about 0.5mm each
year. The finding that it has crystals with a different alignment,
suggests that they formed under different conditions and that our planet
may have undergone a dramatic change during this period.
Commenting on the research, Prof Simon Redfern from the University of
Cambridge said: "Probing deeper into the solid inner core is like
tracing it back in time, to the beginnings of its formation.
"People have noticed differences in the way seismic waves travel
through the outer parts of the inner core and its innermost reaches
before, but never before have they suggested that the alignment of
crystalline iron that makes up this region is completely askew compared
to the outermost parts.
"If this is true, it would imply that something very substantial
happened to flip the orientation of the core to turn the alignment of
crystals in the inner core north-south as is seen today in its outer
He added that other studies suggest that the Earth's magnetic field
may have undergone a change about half a billion years ago, switching
between the equatorial axes and the polar axis.
"It could be that the strange alignment Prof Song sees in the
innermost core explains the strange palaeomagnetic signatures from
ancient rocks that may have been present near the equator half a billion
years ago," he said.
"For the moment, however, the model proposed in this paper needs
testing against other ways of analysing the seismic properties of
Earth's innermost core, since no other researchers have previously
considered evidence for the same conclusions in their studies."
- BBC News