Brandix to inspire water saving ideas
The Brandix Group is motivating its over 30,000 employees in Sri
Lanka to mount a mass assault on water use in its work places in an
innovative new initiative to commemorate World Water Day 2015.
Declaring a 'World Water Month' from February 20 to March 20 across
30 local factories of the Group, Sri Lanka's single largest apparel
exporter has pledged Rs 500,000 in prize money to the three most
innovative water saving ideas that come from cross-functional teams from
each of the factories.
Titled Diya Senevi or 'Water Soldiers', this initiative by the
Brandix Bindu Foundation - the Group's water-centred Corporate Social
Responsibility unit - needs each factory to constitute a team of 15
associates tasked with studying its water consumption over three-weeks
and to submit an innovative way in which the consumption may be reduced.
The winning team will receive Rs 250,000 while the first and second
runners-up will receive Rs 150,000 and Rs 100,000, company sources said.