Buses made 16,295 trips for MR's propaganda rallies:
SLCTB struggling to recover dues
by Jaliya Wijeyekoon
The Sri Lanka Central Transport Board (SLCTB) had incurred a huge
loss at the UPFA election campaign providing buses from time to time
during the run-up to the election to transport party supporters to
various parts of the island. It has been enumerated that 16,295 trips
were made by the UPFA during the election period and the amount payable
to SLCTB by the party is Rs. 192 million.
An SLCTB spokesman said that buses were provided with the
understanding of getting the full payment within two weeks. These buses
were provided by the SLCTB Head office of Narahenpita and Regional
Offices scattered all over the island. There had been occasions where
the buses were provided by the Jaffna Depot to transport party
supporters to the Batticaloa area which is a very long distance.
Similarly, buses were supplied by almost every depot in the island on
the requests by the provincial politicians of the UPFA. SLFP Trade union
members in the depots were instrumental in releasing the buses on the
requests by area politicians.
The Chairman of the SLCTB Prasanna Jayamanne said that following
repeated requests and reminders, the SLFP made a part payment of Rs. 50
million recently and they have issued notice to obtain the balance
payment soon.
Asked what action would be taken unless they settle the remaining
payment within the stipulated period, Jayamanne said that they would be
compelled to initiate legal action against the SLFP. He said that they
would hand over the matter to CID for further investigations.
A Trade Union leader of the JSS P.G. Dharmabandu said that it had
been the practice of the ruling party to obtain buses from the SLCTB to
transport their party members at election times for their propaganda
rallies. But the United National Party had always discussed with the
SLCTB authorities, made due payments and got its service. But at the
last Presidential election UPFA politicians forcibly obtained buses from
all depots in the island inconveniencing regular commuters. The Union
activist said that on a number of occasions they were compelled to
cancel vital regular services as the provincial politicians virtually
threatened them to release the buses for propaganda rallies where
President Mahinda Rajapaksa was scheduled to address.
JSS Trade union Leader Dharmabandu said that the last election period
would go down in SLCTB history as the darkest period where buses were
used as toys of provincial politicians and their henchmen paying scant
respect to the public needs.
Sunday Observer contacted the General Secretary of the UPFA Susil
Premajayantha to ascertain the validity of the claim levelled against
them by the SLCTB.
Susil Premajayantha said the SLCTB buses were arranged through the
organising committee of the UPFA Election campaign and it was not
possible for him to say anything about the payments involved. Sunday
Observer's attempt to contact committee members proved futile.
Chief Operations Superintendent of SLCTB Mr. Kiriwattuduwa said that
it had been the practice of both parties in the past to ask for buses
during the election period to transport their party supporters for
rallies. This was not the first occasion that they failed to pay the
fares. We had to go behind them to recover our dues.
But this is the first time that such a colossal amount of money is
due to us and it is quite doubtful whether we could recover it in full.
We have furnished a detailed and comprehensive report and ministerial
decision would be taken to initiate legal action against them. The SLCTB
is already running at a loss due to innumerable corrupt activities and a
huge financial loss of this magnitude would definitely lead the
institute to a grinding halt.
There is another non-party organisation set up at the SLCTB as Sri
Langamaya Surakeeme Sanvidanaya. The activists of this organisation who
opted to remain anonymous were very vociferous not only over this
particular financial loss but over a number of corrupt deals taking
place at the SLCTB. They said that the SLCTB could be turned into a
profit-making organisation within a few months provided the deep-rooted
corruption in all operational areas is completely eliminated.
They said that the mass scale corruption is reported from the
purchase of new buses from India right down to the use of lubricants.
Purchasing spare parts and tyres had become a lucrative business for the
officials involved in those transactions. It is shocking and surprising
to see that during the previous regime that the payment cheques to
outside, suppliers were drawn in favour of Chairman and the Chairman in
turn issued cheques to the suppliers from his account.
We have submitted a detailed report with all facts and figures to
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe with a copy to Transport Minister
Ranjith Madduma Bandara on January 27 and waiting impatiently to see
what disciplinary action would be taken against those corrupt officials.