UK poverty on rise
28 Feb JAS News
A new report has predicted a bleak future for most Britons warning 14
million citizens will be in poverty by 2030.
The report by the think-thank Fabian Society warned that poverty in
the UK will rise by an extra 3.6 million, including 1.2 million
children, by 2030 unless drastic measures are taken by the
government.The report which draws on figures from the Office for Budget
Responsibility (OBR) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) also
said inequality in the UK will continue to rise, with wages of high
income households rising 11 times faster than those on low incomes.
What are the reasons behind the growing poverty? In an interview with
Press TV, Weyman Bennet from the London-based activist group United
against Fascism cited three reasons.“The first reason is that the people
who are in work are on very low wages and their wage is not meeting
their living requirements.
The second reason is because the cost of housing is exorbitant as it
has been recently privatized and has been no program of house building.
And the third reason there has been something like a 25 percent cut in
wealth benefits that have been used to target working poor instead of
generally live in poverty.”
He blamed the government for adopting wrong polices in dealing with
the problem.
According to Bennet, the coalition government has focused exclusively
on new liberal policies that enrich the top one percent who have been
doubling their income.