Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 8 March 2015





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette


Uses and abuses of Internet

What is the Internet? The Internet is a social network which connects computers all over the world and helps people to communicate with each other, link with other people, online gaming, shopping and collect information. Social networking is the cutting edge in hobbies among all of us. The Internet plays an important role for many people. Internet experience is unlimited.

In this world, there are two sides, the negative and the positive, so is the Internet. It has good things and bad.

Although there are many advantages such as, providing a facility for exchanging and processing information globally, we can search and get any information regarding education and business. There are violent video games, bad presentations, pictures and various types of dangerous communications which can cause mental and physical disorders.

Although the Internet has become one of the most significant information sources, addiction can negatively have an impact on school children.

However, the good and bad depends on how you use it. If you use it in the wrong way, the Internet will then pose a threat, but if you use it in a good way, it will be well accepted.


Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a child victim of World War II, who faced death at the age of 16. She was born to a Jewish family on June 12, 1929. Anne was the youngest child in the family and she had one sister named Margo. During this time movement for Jews was restricted to a great extent. After Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, 13-year-old Anne Frank and her family fleeing from the horrors of Nazi occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse. They spent their lives in the secret annexe with a Jewish family including a dentist.

Anne underwent untold agony living under restrictions. Anne vividly described her two years in hiding in her diary especially the frustrations of living in such confined quarters.

Unfortunately, on August 4, 1944 Anne and the other annexe companions were caught by the Nazi army. All of them were taken to several concentration camps as prisoners. Anne, while imprisoned at Bergen-Belsen, due to the unhygienic conditions died three months before her 16th birthday in 1945.

Among the hidden companions, Anne’s father Otto Frank was the only one who was lucky to survive. He distributed his daughter’s diary all over the world.

The girl Anne Frank was surprised by the belief that “Patience has a reward.” After three years of fear and pain that young life came to an end. Anne Frank was a normal girl but was extraordinary for her age.


Modern inventions

Man’s life became easier after great people invented many inventions such as electricity, telephone, radio, television and computer. These inventions changed the world.

Farmers during ancient times did their work manually. But, at present many new machines are used in cultivation. This leads to an unhealthy generation of farmers, because of the lack of exercise.


The cheetah

The cheetah belongs to the cat family. It lives in the thick jungle. It has black spots on a yellow skin. It is the fastest runner in the world. It is a hunter that kills animals such as deer, hare and zebra. Its baby is called a cub. Cheetahs can climb trees.

Cheetahs are not found in Sri Lankan jungles, but we can see them at the Dehiwala zoo. This dangerous animal has two powerful paws. It is fond of flesh. It is brave and adds beauty to nature.

Let us protect the cheetah.


Hidden ruins in Hambantota old town

Hambantota is a district in the Southern province. It reminds us of the salterns in Hambantota. Unfortunately, Hambantota town was hit by the tsunami waves in 2004 and the whole town was destroyed. As a result the new town is developing away from the coast. There are some places in the old town which were declared archaeologically important places by the Archaeological Department such as the Martello Tower, Gallows tree, Light House and Andare’s tomb which is now covered by the sand dune of time.

The Light House was built by the British under the guidance of Captain Goper on the top of the rocky headland overlooking the sea, to help ease security. There were about 50 army and navy soldiers inside the tower protecting the country from any attack from the sea. This is the only Martello Tower in Asia at present. It was restored in 1999 and currently is a fisheries museum.

The gallows tree in Hambantota is the only one found in an open area in our country today. This was constructed at the rear of the then British Army Commander’s residence facing the sea. In the 1817 the famous Wellassa rebellion was started by farmers. The British controlled it and captured rural leaders who led the rebellion. Although they shot the rebels, due to lack of bullets they felt the necessity of a gallows tree. Then a gallows tree was constructed and rebels who joined the Wellassa rebellion and other criminals were hanged there. It was said that the then Governor Leonard Woolf had watched the people being hanged from the upper floor of his official residence. This gallows tree now faces various threats of the weather and will collapse in the future.

Among the other ruins, the old administration building, the old courts and several tombs of the unknown soldiers, can still be seen in the old Hambantota town.

Court jester, Andare of King Rajadhi Rajasinghe, whose name was derived from the Portuguese name “Andrew”, was famous among the young and the old. He was also from the southern part of Sri Lanka. During his last days, he was seriously ill and wanted to return to his home town, wearing the royal uniform and a crown.

On his way he died under a Palu tree at Udamalala. He was buried and the tomb is still seen there. A statue was built showing the manner in which Andare died, stretching his hands and legs.

We must protect these historically important places for posterity.

The postman

The postman is a person who helps us.He comes early in the morning to our houses. He brings letters, cards and parcels from our friends and relations.

The postman carries his letters in a bag. He comes on a bicycle. He wears a brown uniform. He comes to our houses and rings the bell.

The postman goes to all the houses in the town. He brings us letters and sometimes he puts them into the letter box. He is a kind and friendly person. He gets letters from the post office. He works in a post office.

Television is a necessary evil

Television is a very useful item in our homes. Today it is more popular than the radio. It is a powerful medium of information and communication technology. It is a source of entertainment and education. It is also found in almost all the houses.

Watching television is not harmful but it can turn harmful to society. We should avoid harmful programs. Such programs are often dull and indecent.

Some of the films shown in cinemas are unhealthy for youngsters. The television screen is likely to damage our eyes but controlled use of television is a good practice.

The swan

The swan is a large water bird. It has a long neck and large wings. There are seven species of swans. All species have white plumage except the black swan of Australia and the black necked swan of South America.

Swans are the heaviest of all the flying birds. They fly in a shape called a U-formation. They eat grains and water plants.

The environment

The environment is important. It is made of animals, trees, rivers and living beings.We cannot live without the environment.

Today people litter everywhere and destroy the beauty of the environment. The environment gets polluted by garbage, use of polythene and cutting down of trees. Air pollution occurs with the new technology. Smoke from vehicles,factories and their sounds will also pollute the environment.

We should love and protect our environment. We have to plant tress and reduce cutting down trees. We should avoid throwing garbage into rivers and jungles. A green environment and a beautiful future can be achieved if we protect our environment.

Let us all join together and save our environment. We can live a happy and a healthy life.

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