Living in make-shift homes
by S.K. Irangani
More than 100 tea plantation workers and their families who survived
a massive landslide that hit the Meeriyabedda estate in Sri Lanka's
central hilly district last year are still living in makeshift
Meeriyabedda after the
Pic: ANCL library |
Immediately following the disaster, they were housed in a school at
the Poonagala estate, about 12 kilometres from Bandarawela. A number of
these families are now in an abandoned tea factory at the Mahakanda
Initial official reports claimed that about 200 people were killed in
the October 29 landslide. This figure was later revised to 37. It was
the biggest natural disaster since 2004 tsunami, devastating a one-kilometre
area and destroying housing for 150 families.
While the immediate cause of the landslide was heavy rainfall, the
area had been identified for more than a decade as landslide prone.
The National Building Research Organization (NBRO) recommended in
2005 that 75 families leave the area and that alternative accommodation
be found for them. The Maskeliya Plantation Company, took no action at
that time, nor was it directed to do so by the government.
Over 80 percent of estate workers, one of the most oppressed layers
of Sri Lankan working class, live in line-rooms, long buildings divided
into small living quarters that are provided by the plantation
companies. Many of these buildings were built by British planters during
colonial rule which ended in 1948. Line rooms have only a single room
and kitchen with a small verandah. The rooms have one entrance and so
there is no proper ventilation and some are like dark caves.
When some of the landslide survivors were visited last week,
make-shift accommodation currently houses 91 families. The Maskeliya
Plantation Company owns both the Meeriyabedda and Mahakanda estates and
so the displaced workers have now been employed at Mahakanda.
Landslide survivors angrily explained that a few days after the
disaster they were visited by the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa,
who promised to provide them with permanent housing within three months.
The state-owned ITN television channel reported that 300 million rupees
(US$U S22,340) had been allocated to build houses and that the army had
converted the abandoned tea factory into a temporary “attractive
housing complex.
Two months later, Rajapaksa was defeated in the presidential election
by United National Party-backed Maithripala Sirisena. National Workers
Union leader P. Digambaram was appointed the minister for plantation
infrastructure development.
Digambaram claimed on February 18 that construction of 500 houses
would begin on March 1 as part of Sirisena's 100-day reform program. The
100-day program ended on April 23 but little had been done for the
Meeriyabedda homeless. Seven months after the disaster, the landslide
survivors remain in overcrowded and unhealthy accommodation.
Each family has a tiny room separated by hardboards - a space smaller
than the old line rooms. Women sleep in these rooms at night while the
men use the common hall. Despite cold temperatures in the central hills,
adults and children have to sleep on concrete floors.
Rajareeder, a middle-aged worker, said: "Immediately after the
disaster, the government promised to provide us houses. Arumugam
Thondaman, leader of the Ceylon Workers Congress, the main plantation
trade union, also came and made promises but nothing happened. A new
government has come to power but we continue to suffer. Our children are
disease prone and we don't know what will happen to them."
When the estate workers lived in Meeriyabedda, their daily wage was
just Rs. 450 (US$US3.37) and they faced long periods without work. "If
we aren't able to get extra work outside the estate we can't buy enough
to eat," Rajareeder said. "At Mahakanda, there is less outside work and
we are finding it hard to survive. We receive Rs. 600 per day, but it's
really difficult if we don't get any work for two to three days.".Fifty-nine
landslide families were recently each awarded a seven-perch piece of
land (about 170 square metres). The title deed declared that the land
would "free estate workers from their difficult line-room life and give
them real ownership of a house with a land right."
This claim, lifted from Sirisena's presidential election manifesto,
is in order to free the estate companies from providing accommodation
and imposing this burden on the poverty-stricken plantation workers.
The displaced families awarded land were among a thousand given title
deeds on April 25 by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe at a ceremony
at the Bandarawela Town Hall. One worker said, some displaced women not
given title deeds attempted to set fire to themselves in protest during
a recent visit to the area by A. H. M. Fowzie, a government minister.
Another worker said, "Land in Makultenna nearby Poonagala has been
reserved for us but the area has not been individually separated and
there are signboards on the property saying 'No Entrance'. So far only
four houses have been built for the displaced families but there is only
one corridor for two houses. The corridor is about 1.5 feet wide, which
means that two people cannot pass at the same time. Nobody knows whether
any other houses will be built and to whom they will be given."
Difficult life
A.V. Gunasekaran described the difficulties he faced before the
landslide: "There were not enough houses and so three families were
living in one line-room. Fifteen years ago, 66 families were given land
where last year's landslide occurred. They stayed there because they
didn't have enough money to move anywhere else. They perished in the
landslide. Some of those previously given land built small homes after
obtaining a loan from the company to be paid in 2,100-rupee monthly
installments. If you were unable to pay an installment, management
threatened to take to you to the police."We lost everything in the
landslide but nobody wants to solve our problems. It's very difficult to
trying to live in these overcrowded rooms. The toilets are overflowing
and are not cleared, and the children now have skin diseases."
Facing homelessness, low wages and intense exploitation, the estate
workers are deeply hostile to the union leadership who have
systematically betrayed their members demands for decent wages and basic
other rights.
As one estate worker said: "The union leaders claim it's a victory
because we've been given land to build homes but what we want is a
decent house. The employers want to wash their hands off us and not
provide any housing. At the same time, employers say that we have to
work harder in order to safeguard the industry. The union leaders agree
with all these things."