Lankathilaka Raja Maha Vihare :
Grandeur atop a rock
Story and pictures by Mahil Wijesinghe
The scene is surreal. A soft cool
breeze blows across the Hantane mountain range, rustling the leaves of
the massive Bo tree. The green slowly melts into a shadowy blue, while a
light mist envelopes the mountains in the distance. The shade and the
soothing sounds of the Bo leaves keep me mesmerized. I am at the
Lankathilaka Raja Maha Vihare, at the Hiripitiya village, on the
Kandy-Daulagala road in Udunuwara, Kandy District.
on the Daulagala road, bracketed by the fertile paddy field and a
typical countryside, I catch glimpses of impressive whitewashed exterior
of the temple in distance. The Lankathilaka Vihare, surrounded by lush
greenery, is believed to be the most magnificent architectural edifice
built in the Gampola Kingdom. It stands on top of a boulder named
Panhalgala, majestically overlooking Hantane mountain range.
Being a week day there were hardly any visitors at the temple except
for two small playful Samaneras, around age of 10, who were in the
preaching hall eagerly awaiting visitors to the temple. Just as they saw
me, one of the Samanera asked me to wait while he got the key to the
temple, which is kept in another building nearby. Though they are young,
the Samaneras are well versed in the history of the temple and proved to
be great guides.
I walked into the image house, after he opened the doors with the
huge, antique key. The silence was overwhelming as I spent a few minutes
in the shrine room photographing the wonder. The Samanera advised me not
to use flash inside the image house. The main structure on the massive
rock boulder contain the preaching hall, Devale and a bell shape Stupa,
with a huge Bo tree standing sentry. The temple dates back to the
Gampola era around the 14th Century. The Samanera showed me a massive
rock inscription, which reveals that Lankathilaka Temple is a dedication
by Senalankadhikara, a minister of King Buwanekabahu IV. It was King
Buwanekabahu, who reigned in Gampola from 1341 to 1351 AD, who had the
Vihare constructed with the help of a renowned South Indian architect,
identified as Sthapati Rayar.
Promoting Culture

Gold-plated main Buddha statue and Makara Thorana in image
house |

Sculptures of two guards at the corridor of the temple |
Five of the kings who succeeded After Buwanekabahu IV also chose
Gampola as their kingdom. Though the Kings of Gampola were not powerful
warriors, they had a high reputation for promoting culture and made a
significant contribution to art. Among the monuments from the era that
are in existence today, the Gadaladeniya Temple, the Embakke Devale and
especially the Lankathilaka Temple are the three which distinguish
themselves. Of these, the Lankathilaka temple stands out because of the
majesty of its structure and design.
According to ancient legend associated with the construction of the
Temple, King Buwanekabahu decided to build it after a monk reported the
sighting of a golden pot floating on the surface of the nearby rocky
pond. The king took this as an auspicious sign. In front the main
entrance to the temple stands the preaching hall. Flat roof tiles, as
opposed to the ordinary half round tiles, cover the central part of the
roof and create beautiful patterns. The main Vihare built on a natural
rock boulder, has been constructed using granite, with a plaster
covering and stands two storeys tall. And elegant architectural design
and rich hued wall paintings, typical of the Kandyan period,
illustrating the lives of Buddha, adorn the inside walls. And the
ceiling decorating with flora and fauna designs complete the image
Two large paintings of lions and two figures of guards facing each
other decorate the two walls along the short corridor to the image
house. Inside the image house is a magnificent gold-plated Buddha statue
placed under a beautiful ‘Makara Thorana’. The image house is enriched
by four Devales devoted to four deities. Each of the Devales has a
separate entrance.

The preaching hall in front of the temple |
Historical records indicate that the Temple was originally four
storeys tall arising from the stone floor and housed a number of
decorated Buddha statues. However, the glory of these works is no more
due to vagaries of nature and the march of time. What a visitor would
see today is a completely reconstructed structure with an elegantly
tiled roof. However, the re-construction is not modern. Completed in
1845 by the village headman with the hole of renowned architects of that
time, it retains most of its salient features and its awe inspiring
Today, the temple stands testimony to the creativity of the artisan
and craftsmen of the Kandyan era. The entrance to the temple is made of
bricks and stones, but what is striking is the decorative moonstone
carved out of living rock. A huge Makara Thorana erected at the
entrance, flanked by two rare Gajasinghe stone statues, add a majestic
touch to the Temple, making the visitor eager to discover the treasures
Visitors can reach the Temple using two routes- one is motorable up
to the temple premises on the top of the hill. This widely used by the
most visitors. The other route, the more scenically rewarding route
starts from the foothill of the rock where the monks’ residence is
located, and winds its way up via a steep set of steps cut into the
rock. This was the route was used in ancient times. More inscriptions
reveal more stories about the place. But the Samaneras have to return
for Buddha Pujawa and they need to close the temple. As I step out into
everyday reality, I see a group of small school children approaching the
temple they too will caught ancient glory of this place as they explore
history atop a rock. |