MERS mask mania
The middle Eastern virus sparks mask rush in Asia,
but are they effective? :
As South Korea scrambles to control an outbreak of the killer MERS
virus, its fearful citizens have donned surgical masks en masse – but
the jury is out on whether they actually protect against the invisible
enemy lurking in the air. Across Asia, masks have long lost their stigma
to become an everyday sight in the street or on the subway, despite some
experts believing they do little more than provide psychological
reassurance against diseases such as MERS, which has already left 23
people dead in South Korea.
The virus, which arrived in the country with a businessman who had
been travelling in the Middle East, has sparked a rush of orders at
small Japanese mask-maker Clever, similar to that in the 2002-2003
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in China.

Designer masks (scmp) |
"We have received 100,000 orders for our masks, 10 times more than
the same time last year," company president, Tsuyoshi Nakagawara, told
"Half of them are from overseas, of which 70 percent are from South
Korea, while Hong Kong and (mainland) China account for the rest."
The company's most popular mask, a 9,980 yen (US$80) model, is made
with several layers of filters, which the firm claims are fine enough to
block pollen, infectious viruses, PM2.5 – tiny airborne pollutants small
enough to penetrate deep into the lungs – and even radioactive
While fear over MERS is at the root of the latest boom in South
Korean mask wearing, the practice is widespread in East Asia, even in
relatively normal times.
Runny noses
In Japan it is common to see small children, businessmen, pregnant
women and others in a white surgical mask as they go about their daily
life – on trains, in offices and in the street.
Masks – there were almost four billion in Japan in 2013 – are
particularly abundant during the winter 'flu season and remain so
through spring as millions of hay fever sufferers grapple with runny
noses and sneezing.
Masks are used in China chiefly as a way of protecting the wearer
from the sometimes-choking pollution of the big cities, while South
Koreans wear them routinely for a mixture of reasons. "Masks are most
prevalent in the winter season and in the spring, supported by a
government campaign," said Kim Mi-Kyung, a health management professor
at Kyung-In Women's University.
"Nowadays, different types of masks are widely used for sanitation
and protection against the cold, or to prevent the inhalation of
pollutants," she said.However, scientists – and even mask manufacturers
– say wearing a mask every day does not provide the level of protection
many people seem to think.
"Wearing a mask is not perfect to prevent a wearer from picking up a
virus," said Mitsuo Kaku, Professor of Infectious Diseases at Tohoku
University."It can be said, though, that wearing a mask and washing your
hands could reduce the spread of micro-organisms," he said.
Norio Ohmagari, Director of Japan's Disease Control and Prevention
Center, said improper use of masks further lessens their efficacy."In
principle, masks should be used only once," he said, adding a wearer
must wash their hands after disposing of the used mask.
"People don't know how to handle them properly." In the US, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says face masks block
"large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays or splatter that may contain
germs... from reaching your mouth and nose."
But they do not "filter or block very small particles in the air that
may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes or certain medical procedures."
In fastidious, polite Japan, where masks have been in use since at
least the early part of the 20th Century, covering your face is often a
matter of etiquette.
A survey by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., found that more than 70
percent of Japanese people believe it is simply good manners to cover
your mouth and nose with a mask when you have a cold or the 'flu.But not
all of the people wearing a mask are ill. For some of them, it's a kind
of disguise.
Not uncommon is the sight of a young man slumped on a train seat
wearing a mask, a baseball cap, sunglasses and a pair of earphones – the
perfect defence against any messy interaction with strangers.
Masks also offer an easier option for anyone who may be running
late."It's good to cover your face when you don't put makeup on," says
fashion model Zawachin, who sells her own range of designer masks
–including a raspberry-flavoured one.While white is the regular colour
for plain masks, they are also available in a range of hues – including
black – to enable the wearer to co-ordinate with their outfits.
Masks for these non-medical purposes are described collectively as
"date masuku," which literally means "masks just for show."
Tamagawa-Eizai Co, a pharmaceutical firm, began running a beauty mask
pageant in 2013, saying surgical masks are now fashion items in Japan,
like glasses without prescription lenses.
However, spokesman Taichi Ono admits they are trying to steer
customers back to a more usual usage.
"A surgical mask is a hygiene item to start with," he said, "So we
are also trying to raise awareness of how to use it properly."