The Deyata Kirula rip-off
by Ranil Wijayapala
The Deyata Kirula exhibition was a money -spinner for Rajapaksa and
his cohorts such as former Telecommunications and Information Technology
Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya and officials involved in organising
the event, a complaint lodged at the Commission to Investigate Bribery
or Corruption revealed.
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According to the complaint the event set a bad precedent to public
officials on the misuse of public funds in violation of the government's
fiscal policy and the stipulated tender procedure.
The Deyata Kirula exhibition which was scheduled for February 4, 2013
at the Hardy College of Technical Education, Ampara and was later
postponed due to the adverse weather was a miracle for fraudulent
politicians in stead of being a 'Miracle to the East' the theme of the
When people thronged the exhibition in large numbers the organising
committee had decided to spend over Rs.309 million from government
coffers and other statutory bodies lavishly to appease a few selected
contractors violating the practice of good governance and share the
profit among themselves.
They used the pandal erected at the entrance and even sanitary
facilities to siphon-off funds, the compalint revealed. It stated the
exhibition and the Procurement Committee had violated the tender
procedure by offering contractors the main and the second stage ignoring
the lowest bid offered by Srimal Advertising (Pvt) Ltd at Rs.16,70,000.
However, the Procurement Committee which met on December 11, 2012 and
on January 2, 2013 decided to offer the tender for the main stage and
the background to Video Team (Pvt) Ltd of 941/13, 6th Lane, Ethul Kotte,
Kotte which offered the fifth highest bid for the tender. Its offer of
Rs.38,50,000, was Rs.2,000,000 higher than the bid made by Srimal
Advertising (Pvt) Ltd.
Not only had the Procurement Committee violated the tender procedure
but also it had amended the offer of the TVT (Pvt ) Ltd to Rs.8.7
million by dividing contract to two for the main and the second stage.
Even after amending the contract for the creation of the main stages
and the background of the stage to Rs.8.7 million despite their offer to
undertake it at Rs.3,850,000 the Procurement Committee approved a
payment of Rs.9.7 million according to the final accounts of the
exhibition in violation of the government's fiscal policy.
Considering the Rs.16,70,000 lowest bid to set up stages and the
background and the payment of Rs.9.7 million to the TVT (Pvt) Ltd Rs.
8.1 million has been misappropriated on the construction of the main
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Similar misappropriations had taken place in the previous Deyata
Kirula exhibitions and the same institution was paid exorbitant amounts
for various constructions. Public funds amounting to Rs.120,000 per day
and for Rs.25,000 per each additional day had been spent when 60x40 ft
stages were available for rent at the rate .
The second stage could have been hired for Rs.100,000 and paying
Rs.25,000 for each additional day the entire cost would have been
Rs.670,000. However, the committee had paid Rs.9.7 million for the two
stages and the background.
The Procurement and Exhibition Committees had spent Rs. 11 million on
the pandal at the entrance disregarding the lowest offer of Rs.1.1
That contract had also been offered to the The Video Team. As
authorities had permitted them to get sponsors to set up the entrance
pandal the amount spent for this has not been included in the final
accounts of the exhibition.
It is evident that a the three committees responsible for organizing
the Deyata Kirula exhibition had taken decisions disregarding the basic
norms in spending public funds and had paid Rs.33.95 million to cleae
260 washrooms constructed at the exhibition site whereas the cost for
the construction of temporary toilets cost only Rs.15 million.
Rs.33.95 million had been paid to On Cleaning Service disregarding
the lowest bid for sanitary services made by Abans Cleaning and
Floorcare (Pvt) Ltd. Abans (Pvt) Ltd. had offered services for one
washroom at Rs. 820 + VAT while Floorcare offered Rs.10,950.
Though the second offer was feasible the procurement committee had
decided to offer the tender to On cleaning Service. The Ampara Urban
Council had undertaken the removal of human waste from the toilets in
the exhibition site and separate payment had been made for that service
according to the final accounts.
The tender procedure had also been violated by the exhibition
committee when offering the tender for the event management of the
The Procurement Committee had made a separate payment to the Event
Management company for organizing the opening ceremony eventhough it was
a part of the contract.
It had been the same with he previous exhibition in Oyamaduwa in
which the same event management company has been paid separately for
organizing the opening and the closing ceremonies.
Lower bid
The procurement committee decided to offer the tender for event
management to the The Video Team (Pvt) ltd which had offered a bid of
Rs.195,000,00 The main functions that had to be undertaken by the Event
Management company, according to the tender announcement, includes the
development of an appropriate concept and designing visuals under the
theme of the exhibition, planning and managing the opening and closing
ceremonies and the construction of special creations needed for the
opening and closing ceremonies. It was clear that Video Team had offered
a lower bid to secure the contract but later it had increased to
Rs.35,500,000 for the entire event management contract. Therefore, the
Video Team had been paid Rs.16,000,000 in excess without getting the
approval from the Procurement Committee violating the accepted tender
procedure and fiscal policy.
Though high ranking public officials are supposed to act as watchdogs
on public funds the officials responsible for spending public money for
the Deyata Kirula exhibition had disregarded the accepted methods of
spending public funds for the exhibition.
Although calling for limited tenders for the supply of services is
accepted only when there are special requirements, the exhibition
committee has called for limited tenders to offer contracts for selected
institutes disregarding whether the service were required or not. Though
Deyata Kirula Exhibition Secretariat was responsible for the calling for
tenders for any service or procurement of any goods a n Assistant
Secretary had called for limited bids from selected service providers
for the supply of mobile sanitary facilities and offered those contracts
to selected contractors.
Only four companies had forwarded their bids for the tender for
supply of mobile toilets and maintaining them during the exhibition in
response to calling for limited bids for tenders.
Though Arjun Construction (Pvt) Ltd had offered the lowest bid to
supply one unit of mobile toilet facility and maintain it at Rs.37,500
during the exhibition period that offer had been rejected by the
procurement committee saying it had no experience providing such
It had been revealed that though the initial plan was to set up 50
mobile toilets, 150 mobile facilities have been provided.
Though Floorcare Cleaning Service had initially offered to provide
and maintain one mobile washroom at Rs.53,430 that rate had been
increased to Rs.158,400.00 per unit by an official after calling for
bids on the sly.
Though calling for limited bids from service providers are meant to
get the rates reduced the official concern had made use of it to
increase the rates offered by the service provider.
Going against the normal tender procedure, that official had obtained
the service of Clean Tech Pvt Ltd for a mobile washroom at Rs.110,400.
Clean Tech (Pvt) Ltd had provided 60 mobile toilet units.
Due to this irregularities in the tender procedure involving a
Assistant Secretary to the Ministry of Telecommunications and
Information Technology the total loss to the government has been
estimated at Rs.7,094,304. After the Deyata Kirula exhibition due was
postponed due to bad weather prevailed in Ampara the exhibition
committee had decided to set up monument to reminiscene the Arantala
Bikkhu massacre in the exhibition area.
The creation of a monument to showcase the assassination of Bhikkus
in Aranthalawa had been offered according to the wish of Minister
Ranjith Siyambalapitiya disregarding the stipulated procedures to offer
such tenders.
Tender procedure
A staggering Rs.12,500,000 (Rs. 12.5 million) had been offered to a
company without following the tender procedures. That amount had been
paid to set up 38 monuments of Bhikkus using fiberglass which could had
been done at a cost of Rs.1 million if competitive bids were called for.
The contract for setting up of the monument for the Aranthalawa Bikku
Assasination has been offered to Design Age (Pvt) Ltd without
considering the other lower offer made by The Video Team (Pvt) Ltd
It was due to the influence of Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya that
contract has been offered to that institute disregarding the tender
The complaint also points out that the attempts to stop the
misappropriation and financial irregularities by certain public
officials had also been prevented by the authorities with the support of
high ranking public officials who aided and abetted the fraudulent acts
of the politicians.
Therefore this has resulted in waste of public unds to the tune of
Rs.200 million which could have been used for welfare services and
development programs to boost economic growth. |