CIMA and HRP opt for personal archetyping
CIMA Sri Lanka and the Association of Human Resource Professionals (HRP)
entered into a joint partnership with Michel Nugawela to co-brand,
market and conduct personal archetyping programs for their corporate

From left: Manager, Member Development and Thought
Leadership, CIMA, Ms Tania Samarasinghe, CIMA Country Head,
Radley Stephens, CIMA Regional Director, Middle East, South
Asia and North Africa, Bradley Emerson, Michel Nugawela, The
Archetype Group/Headlines PR Chairperson, Ms Anusha David,
President, HRP, Ms Chiranthi Cooray, Vice President, HRP,
Ishan Dantanarayana, HRP Ex-Co Member, Chinthaka Premaratne. |
The personal archetyping programs are based on a paradigm-shifting
Jungian psychological approach to individualisation. Twelve archetypes -
Innocent, Orphan, Warrior, Caregiver, Explorer, Lover, Destroyer,
Creator, Ruler, Magician, Sage and Jester - put a human face to the
values, meanings, traits and roles of people in their professional and
personal lives.
"CIMA is proud to co-partner the introduction of personal archetyping
to the Sri Lankan market," said Bradley Emerson.
"Management accountants are the core of any business and our members
are leaders in industry, commerce, management consultancies and banks.
The skills of CEOs and CFOs will be enhanced by the Jungian
psychological approach that uncovers our unconscious behaviour, reveals
why we make the choices we make in organizations and life and defines a
process that allows us to access that information," he said.
"It plays an equally important role in supporting our ethical
commitment to the profession as we understand the role our psychological
development and ego plays in decision-making processes across
organizations," Emerson said.
As a human resources body that represents Sri Lanka's HR
professionals, HRP will promote personal archetyping to their members.
"Personal archetyping develops leadership and harvests the diverse
talent of teams and groups through a process of inner psychological
discovery into the unconscious structures that are imprinted into our
minds at different stages of life. It will help people and organizations
identify the behaviour and skills that drive organizational productivity
and success," said HRP President, Ms Chiranthi Cooray.
The personal archetyping programs use internationally-validated
psychological self-assessment tools, readings, imagery, visualization,
exercises and other thought-provoking perspectives, models and practical
actions for participants to 'try on' and enhance their relationship with
each archetype.
"At the end of the programs, participants could use the resources,
skills and tools from each archetype to show up more fully in their work
and life," said Nugawela.