Ex-athletesto declare war on corruption
by Sajeewa Jayakody
An organizationcalled the National Champions of Sri Lanka Athletics (NCSLA)
with the motto "onefor all and all for one" has been formed by a select
group of former nationalathletic champions for the betterment of the
island's Track and Field sportswhich is in a most unhealthy state.

Gregory de Silva |
With thecountry's athletes producing some appalling performances on
the internationalstage in recent times, the NCSLA believes it has more
reason to come into existenceor perhaps take the bull by the horns to
pave the way in eradicating injusticeand corruption that has ruined most
of the country's sports.
Theassociation intends to make use of the knowledge, experience and
awareness themembers of NCSLA have to develop and promote Sri Lankan
athletes to achievetheir goals by winning medals at international level
which is now only a thingof the past.The NCSLA'sprimary objective is the
development of Sri Lanka athletics and athletes enablingthem to reap the
benefits of what they wish to foresee as new vision.General Secretaryof
the association, former national long jump champion Gregory de Silva
contendsthey have the willpower to face any obstacle or difficult
situation with a freemind.
"We havemade a start to go forward as a very independent body and
point out the wrong.What we want is to establish a base and then offer
advice with the experienceand knowledge we have gained by living
overseas", said De Silva who wasdomiciled in the USA.De Silva,who claims
to still hold the National long jump record added: "Through thisnewly
formed association the members wish to raise a voice against all
corruptpractices within the circle of track and field sports in Sri
The NCSLAwill keep in touch with ex-national champions living
overseas and unite them tohoist what they call the 'flag of victory'.
The associationalso expects to provide a chance to one of the most
deserving NCSLA members towitness important international athletic meets
in which Sri Lankans participatein the future.
They will alsotake every opportunity to felicitate past national
champions, trainers, coachesand even sports media personalities
annually. Formernational champion and Asian Games gold medallist Lucien
Rosa was appointedpresident of the NCSLA with Janendra Fernando as the
treasurer for the ensuingyear.
ASM Khan,Wimalasena Perera, Kosala Sahabandu, Surangani de Silva, A
Premachandra, DelimaPetersen, Mallika Sachithananda and many past
national champions attended a preliminarydiscussion and subsequently had
their inaugural sessions at the SportsMinistry.
Past nationalchampions who wish to be part of the NCSLA and make a
difference can join theassociation by enlisting with Gregory de Silva on
0775639359. |