Govt studying Reports extensively-Wijayadasa Rajapakshe
The recently tabled Reports of the Udalagama Commission and the
Paranagama Commission has paved the way for numerous debates and
discussions. It is important to understand the government's point of
view in response to the findings. The Report was tabled a few days ago.
It is still premature to elaborate on the forward plan of the
government, said Justice Minister Wijayadasa Rajapakshe. In a brief
interview Minister Rajapakshe said Ministry officials were extensively
studying the findings and recommendations of the two Reports. "It is
important that we analyse the Reports thoroughly before coming to any
conclusions," he said.
Q: With
findings and recommendations of the Udalagama Commission and the
Paranagama Commission Reports, currently tabled for discussion, what
will be the next step?
We cannot implement any step immediately as it is important to first
analyse these two important Reports. It should be well-studied in the
context in which Sri Lankan Human Rights issues are currently discussed.
Q: What is the
government's point of view on the findings of the Commissions?
The recommendations in the Reports will be given high priority. The two
Reports came into the spotlight once again following the UNHRC
resolution co-sponsored by Sri Lanka, which has called for a domestic
internal inquiry involving foreign expertise over alleged human rights
violations in the last stages of the war.
In the backdrop of the UNHRC resolution calling for a domestic inquiry
where would these two Commission Reports be placed?
The Paranagama Commission and the Udalagama Commission did take in
international expertise during the investigations and, therefore, it was
not just an investigation confined to the country. The recommendations
of the Commissions are important. The domestic inquiry recommended
through the UN Resolution will give another point of view to the way
forward plan.
Q: What is the
government's way forward plan?
It is too premature to comment. Ministry officials have started
extensively studying the findings and recommendations of the two
reports. It is important that we analyse the reports thoroughly before
reaching any conclusions.
-DY |