Health Byte
A natural 'pain pill' for arthritis?
Your lifetime risk of osteoarthritis is a whopping 50 percent. And if
you're in pain, it's very easy to reach for an over the counter
painkiller. But an important vitamin that's also a hormone and an immune
booster might be a better choice.
A study at the University of Florida shows that getting more vitamin
D can not only reduce the pain of osteoarthritis in your knees, but may
also help improve your ability to get around by improving your sense of
of the research was performed on people who were obese: If you are very
overweight, the extra stress on your joints increases your risk of
arthritis in your knees substantially. The Florida study shows that in
obese people, those with sufficient vitamin D can walk better, have
improved balance and are better able to get up from a sitting position.
"Adequate vitamin D may be significant to improving osteoarthritis
pain because it affects bone quality and protects cell function to help
reduce inflammation. Vitamin D maintains calcium and phosphate
concentration levels to keep bones strong," says researcher Toni L.
Glover. "Increased pain due to osteoarthritis could limit physical
activity, including outdoor activity, which would lead to both decreased
vitamin D levels and increased obesity."
Your risk of osteoarthritis climbs as you grow older. It is the most
common type of arthritis and afflicts millions globally. It attacks
joints when the cartilage located at the ends of bones wears away over
the years, losing its protective cushioning. That leads to pain,
stiffness and the restriction of joint mobility.
"Vitamin D is inexpensive, available over-the-counter and toxicity is
fairly rare," Glover says. "Older obese patients with chronic pain
should discuss their vitamin D status with their primary care provider.
If it's low, take a supplement and get judicious sun exposure."
Plus, as we've noted before, plenty of studies show that just about
all of us need more vitamin D.
Direct sunlight is the most natural way for humans to get vitamin D,
along with eating animal products like beef liver, egg yolks, and cod
liver oil. Irradiated mushrooms are also an excellent mega-source of
vitamin D and you can easily make your own.
Research shows that you should get enough vitamin D to reach
60-80ng/ml in a blood test. If you need to supplement, the easiest
health option is to take from 5,000 IU twice weekly up to 10,000 IU a
day until you reach optimal levels.
-Easy Health Options