These are our ‘bois’
by Gazala Anver

Pix: Susantha Wijegunasekera |
Sri Lankan boys are a funny lot – even after most of them insist on
being called ‘men’, they’re all still boys at heart and sometimes that’s
not even a good thing.
We don’t intend to start a war of the sexes here. We thought, for
purely academic reasons, it would be fun to see how many Sri Lankan boy
types we could name. Of course, this is not without its limitations, for
in no way do we assert that Sri Lankan males conform to only ‘one’ of
the categories listed below. Nor are we saying that this type of
behaviour is exclusive to the male Sri Lankan – rather, certain cultural
nuances seemed to have seeped in, setting apart this male from the rest
of the breed.
We’ve also listed out some types of Sri Lankan boys who are actual
causes for concern. As much as we all enjoy our light reading, a few
realities just cannot be ignored.
The ‘Rattarang Putha’
Every mother’s dream! His hair is parted in the middle, his teeth are
slightly crooked, his glasses are too big for the rest of his face and
he only wears carefully buttoned down shirts. This type is the Sri
Lankan mother’s ‘golden boy’ who brings back trophies for all kinds of
academic achievements. Socially, they are often awkward and introverted,
and with little or no exposure to the female kind. We don’t mean all of
this in a bad way, however. After the descriptions below, this kind is
preferred to some of the other horrors, even if they could do with a bit
of shaking up.
The ‘Ah Nangi’ type
You find them everywhere. At the bus stop, at the mall, at the beach,
at local events, even down your road. They seem to have X-ray vision,
which can penetrate even padded bras, going by the lecherous but
otherwise vacant looks on their faces.
This type, synonymous to the annoying local mosquito, is a lurker –
you won’t realise until too late that you’ve been ‘ah nangi-ed’ and
stung by the indignity of being commented on even if you are only
getting something from the corner ‘kadey’.
Defined by pseudo-bravado, lechery and ample amounts of sexual
frustration, you could either ignore, take a swat at them or scare them
off with by a sharp remark. Their bravado doesn’t extend beyond a chorus
of “you are very beauty” and “can I have be your friendship” so, for the
most part, they are left baffled by the fact that the object of their
perverted desire is an actual human being who can talk back. But
sometimes, you might get unlucky if the ‘ah nangi’ type is actually not
an ‘ah nangi’ type but is a…
The Shady Psycho-Kolla
This type makes the ‘ah nangi’ types look positively sweet in
comparison. Fed on a diet of what we guess is male chauvinism and bad
upbringing, this is the type who has no qualms following you even up to
your doorstep.
If not on foot, at the worst, you’ll find this type on various
transportation devices like a bicycle, moped, motorbike and even a BMW –
what this means is that their psychotic inclinations have Marxist
They are classless, in every sense of the word. This type not only
inspires nausea in the opposite sex, but also the need to carry anything
at all that might serve as a weapon: an umbrella, a can of deo spray or
even pepper spray.
They have no boundaries whatsoever and are budding psychopaths, in
our humble opinion.
‘Apey mey kolla’ is actually a sweet ‘boi’ but ‘poddak’ difficult to
bring out in the open. Alone. He’s constantly shadowed by his muscle
men, (even if they are technically just skinny boys), and he’s only seen
in their company. Ever. You’ll never see him without that gang of bois –
try arranging for a one-on-one and you’ll find that what you hoped was a
date was yet another group outing. He’s all about his ‘machangs’ to the
point where he might even call you ‘machang’ by habit. There’s nothing
wrong with this type, but not being able to survive outside his
‘machang’ circle might be a bit of a problem…
The ‘Machang I Drank Sooooo Much’ type
This type believes the only way he can prove he’s a man is if he
boasts, a little too loudly, about how he got smashed the other night
and how he got smashed on another night and how he got smashed on yet
another night. The type of conversation you have with this type often
includes gory details about the number of times he threw up, all in a
single night.
He even has a beer-and-rice-belly to support his claim. Their life
goals include liver complications, an early grave and extremely bad
breath. Baila is the soundtrack of their lives and their bodies are ever
ready, despite the degree of inebriation, to put a jig or two. They
initially come off as social (but not social drinking), talkative and
seemingly fun-loving despite their repeated boasts and puke-talk.
As soon as they approach a glass of alcohol or even the subject of
parties and alcohol, immediate evacuation is advised.
This type makes Flash look like he’s working at snail pace, when it
comes to the number of things and projects he’s involved in.
From philanthropic drives to theatre productions to save-our-heritage
programs, they must have been a centipede in a previous life: one foot
for one of the hundred things they are working on. If you’re lucky and
you happen to be a priority, you’ll get roped into their highly
fascinating lives and land up with a case of acute vertigo. You’ll need
to hire a secretary, though, to keep track of the things they are
working on. Conversations with them often tend to go like this:
Him: You know that project I’m working on…
You *furiously consulting a notebook used to keep track of his
projects*: Uh, um, you mean the Save the Stupa project, right?
Him: No, no, not that one…The other one…
You *still consulting*: The End Corruption one?
Him: No, no, that’s not the one…it’s the other one…
Ad infinitum. Sanity finis.
They are stubborn, incurable and believe that they are the most
handsome, charming men around. How could any woman say no, right? Surely
she must be teasing! Of course she doesn’t mean no! He’s the type who
believes that he loves her and that she loves him even if he has only
seen her once in his entire life and even if she is completely oblivious
to his presence, until it is too late, of course. He then makes a
nuisance of himself, harasses her until she gets tired of him and his
antics. Even if he stood a chance, his over enthusiasm killed it several
decades ago.
The Cool Boy
There is such a thing, turns out. They are well read and well
informed but not to the point of being boring. They spin out cool facts
and political jokes at the drop of the hat and are often the creative
type who will either build a rose out of scrap metal or try to save the
world with a doctoral thesis, among other things. The only thing with
this type is that they are rare, taken, gay or fictional.
The Misogynist
Social media gives more of a voice to this type, unfortunately. This
type is somehow convinced that they are immeasurably superior and that
anything a woman does or says is naturally incorrect, especially if she
is resisting his advances.
Their contradictory dislike and need for women often take on an ugly
face, particularly if she has an opinion of her own and doesn’t conform
to his often twisted idea of what a woman should be – the Wariyapola
incident and ensuing ugliness is proof. This type, however, has several
variations within the sub-category.
You also get the unconscious misogynists who have your best interests
at heart but sometimes pass a tasteless but worrying remark, as well as
the I’m-just-joking types you can never be sure of and even the
I’m-really-broadminded types who find ankle-length skirts on women too
“short.” Yes, they actually exist.
Seriously, who the hell is he? No one seems to know where he comes
from or what he does. He’s always in the periphery, the kind of type you
don’t really notice because he’s quiet, reserved and blends into the
shadows so well that he might as well be a brand ambassador for Dulux.
He could be anything – the nicest guy you will meet or the creepiest.
There is no scientific way to verify “kowda boley meya” even if you see
him at every event or party you attend. He’ll always remain mysterious
and elusive, even after you’ve stalked his Facebook page 253 times.
You might come to a few basic conclusions, things like the books he
reads (Foucault’s Madness and Civilisation), the music he listens to
(Philip Glass) and the people he quotes (Slavoy Zizek) but despite the
wealth of such meaningless information, you’ll never find out things
like his favourite childhood writer, his first love, what his first day
at school was like etc. In all likelihood, he is probably a cyborg
created by the GoSL to keep the womenfolk of Sri Lanka distracted. There
is no other plausible explanation to their existence. Seriously.Love
them, hate them – we can’t escape them. We’ll always run into at least a
few of these types on a daily basis. Some of them make our skin crawl,
and some of them are a peculiar achcharu of a few of the above listed
types, not always in a bad way, too. Everyone has their quirks and
eccentricities but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any nice Sri Lankan
boys who will restore your faith in the male species, right? Right?
(Gazala is a staff writer at where this
article was originally featured. She is a student of literature, artist
and photographer who casually devours books by the dozen) |