Gentlemen can't be defined
by a list of rules
Last week, UK's Country Life Magazine published an extensive 39-step
guide to being the perfect gentleman in the modern age. Predictably,
this elicited strong and diverse reactions from the public, with some
denouncing the steps as nostalgic and ridiculous whilst others deemed
the magazine's image of a 'modern gentleman' a thoroughly charming
However, whilst the majority of commentators have swung to one
extreme of opinion - either focusing on the ludicrousness of chasing
sophistication and gallantry in the 21st century or yearning for the
return of the refined man - Matthew Zorpas thinks that the magazine for
the rural rich got it entirely wrong. The founder and eponymous author
of 'The Gentleman Blogger' believes that modern gentlemen come in all
shapes and sizes, and so has penned analternative guide of his own.
"A gentleman cannot easily be defined by taking part in 'masculine'
activities," says Zorpas. "It is the unimportant or unexpected moments
that define him. It is not, like Country Life clearly believe, a
checklist, but rather a way of life.
"A gentleman is a knowledge-seeking individual who desires to live a
rich life and has attention to detail. He embodies integrity and honour,
and takes great effort in all of his interactions and transactions with
"He has style, charm and kindness. Today, gentlemen are more diverse
and more approachable than they were in the past. However, with
ever-increasing social pressures and distractions, it can be hard to
both keep up and maintain a gentlemanly way of thinking."
Although Zorpas believes that Country Life got it wrong with their
rigid list of rules, he doesn't think we should do away with the word
'gentleman' altogether.
He simply believes that these confusing times of encouraged
individuality and increasing social acceptance have dashed the
stereotypical preconceptions of what a gentleman is.
"Whilst the core ingredients of a gentleman - consideration, respect
and self-assured confidence - arguably haven't changed in over 1,000
years, modern men can struggle to find their place in a world where lad
culture and feminism prevail.
"A true modern gentleman understands that it's not about being
A gentleman needn't be defined by their appearance or their personal
views; we can be distinctly diverse and still carry ourselves with
confidence, manners and integrity. Since our father's time, the concept
of the gentleman has gone beyond the normal stereotypes of masculine
culture and transitioned into something that transcends these outdated
"It's just about spending time on the challenging task of learning to
feel comfortable in your own skin."
Zorpas, whose grand presence on social media shows that he is not
mired in the pen-and-paper, hat-wearing gentle-mentality of old, asserts
that a modern gentleman should not wallow in or long for days past.
Instead, the blogger believes that, given the rise of technology and
social openness, it is "far more acceptable to follow your own interests
and passions into careers and pastimes you are genuinely interested in
and stimulated by."
Zorpas believes that gentlemen are necessary to the successful
continuation of modern culture; not to be idolised, but rather to set an
"They must be respected and recognised for their knowledge, manners,
style, professional career, individuality and, above all, authenticity.
We need gentlemen to guide the younger generations.
Because we continue to need individuals who inspire us or guide us
through our challenging journeys.
A gentleman is just that: a role model who you can relate to, who
inspires you and whose footsteps you would like to follow in."
So, whilst many people have decried Country Life in their strict
outlining of the modern gentleman, and demanded that the word be struck
from our vocabularies, Zorpas disagrees. The Gentleman Blogger simply
believes that the definition requires changing and the parameters
"Because that's not what a modern gentleman is all about," concludes
Zorpas. "A gentleman may still be perceived as someone who embodies a
particular, antiquated set of skills or values and moves in certain
social circles, but today it is much more about self-discovery,
confidence, acceptability and excellence."
-The Telegraph
How to successfully embody a modern gentleman
of a list, and more gentle suggestions, the blogger is keen
to convey that being gentlemanly is no longer an exact
"A gentleman is always well groomed, but
not over-preened. He looks after his skin and creates a
daily regime that revitalises him in a matter of minutes. A
clean-shaven look or a well-maintained beard are both
respectable options nowadays. He just ensures that whichever
look he goes for it's tailored to his measures. He has two
classic scents that suit his personality and invests in them
regularly - preferably a woody scent for winter and a light,
fresh fragrance for summer."
"For a gentleman dressing is about
expressing personality and transmitting integrity,
inspiration and trust to people around him. Less is a style
statement in itself, and quality allows his style to last
longer. He knows what suits him according to his body
therefore he is comfortable in his own style and he wears it
with confidence and finesse - something nobody can take away
from him."
Eating and Drinking
"Whether it's Michelin-starred restaurants
or street food, a gentleman enjoys and appreciates the
experience of unique flavours, sights and scents. But don't
forget - he always makes the reservations! As for drinking,
quality is often more important than quantity. He is
confident in shaking an amaretto sour or a classic negroni."
"There comes a time in every man's life
when he realises university isn't the end of his education
and in order to be a modern gentleman he'll have to start
listening more and talking less. Learning from and
socialising with those around him, with his iPhone aside,
making eye contact and engaging in conversation means the
modern gentleman is approachable. His flaws are what set him
apart and make him relatable to others, memorable."
Attitude towards women
"Being a gentleman isn't a personality
play. It's a lifestyle. A modern gent treats everyone
equally and never intentionally hurts anyone's feelings. He
holds the door open, keeps his promises and respects both
those he cares about and those he wants to care about."
Doing business
"A modern gentleman is consistent in
business and prepared to make sacrifices. He evaluates the
risks and reflects on the rewards.
He doesn't lie or mislead, and is instead
comfortable with his own set of skills. He understands that,
without the help of others, he will never succeed."