Uber and Simplifly bring UberChopper to Colombo
Uber riders had the chance to experience a ride in a helicopter owned
and operated by Simplifly, by tapping a button on their Uber app.
Senior Launcher, Uber, Varun Mundkur said, "Uber is all about
bringing amazing experiences to people, on-demand, using the power of
new technology - whether it's a safe, reliable ride around Colombo or an
aerial tour of the city. With UberCHchopper we gave a number of riders
an opportunity to experience a helicopter ride, touring the skies and to
witness the breathtaking views of the city at the push of a button."
The UberChopper service ran from 9 am - 11 am on Sunday, January 3.
To request, riders had only to select UberChopper in the Uber app. Then
select their 'Set Pickup Location' and hit request. Once the request was
confirmed, riders received a voice call for final confirmation.
An Uber car picked them up, and transported them to Water's Edge, and
they were then taken on a once-in-a-lifetime 15-minute aerial tour of
the city.
Before Colombo, riders in New York, Austin, Cannes, Hong Kong,
Jakarta and several cities around the world also experienced UberChopper.
UberChopper is part of Uber's deep commitment to bring amazing
experiences using the power of innovative technology while prioritizing
safety, reliability and convenience. |