Braille pocket calendars from EFC

Ms. Manique Gunaratne presents the Braille calendar to
Director General, EFC, Kanishka Weerasinghe. |
It is the time of the year when many look for calendars for the newly
dawned year, either for personal use or as a gift. Visually impaired and
low-vision people can now find a readable calendar of their own.
The Employers' Federation of Ceylon's (EFC) ICT Training Centre
offers free pocket Braille and large print calendars every year. The
first Braille and large print calendar for 2016 was presented to the
Director General, EFC, Kanishka Weerasinghe by Ms. Manique Gunaratne,
Manager, ICT Training Centre, at the EFC recently.
The EFC ICT Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities removes
barriers, creates solutions and expands possibilities, so that the
visually-impaired can achieve their full potential.
The Braille calendars are distributed free among EFC ICT trainees and
other vision impaired persons in all corners of the country. The
Training Centre provides many services for people with disabilities.
Developing technologies and ICT skills are the key roles of the ICT
Training Centre. Todate it has trained about 170 persons with
disabilities on ICT skills. |