Christmas with celebrities at Maharagama Cancer Institute
 Can HOPE Colombo with the help of volunteers from the Rotaract Club
of Battaramulla, brought the joy of Christmas to children of the
Maharagama Cancer Institute.
The CanHOPE Colombo team invited film celebrities Gayesha Perera,
Athula Adikari, Raini Goonathilake, Shalika Edirisinghe and Wasantha
Carols were sung by the volunteers of the Rotaract Club of
Battaramulla, followed by musical sessions by each celebrity. Well known
singer Raini Goonathilake entertained the children and their mothers.
Her latest song was dedicated to the spirit of Christmas. Actress and
singer Gayesha Perera, also sang a cheerful song with the children who
clapped and danced to its rhythm and enjoyed themselves.
Athula Adikari played the organ singing some of his popular singles,
actor Wasantha Dukgannarala recited a special poem. Everyone enjoyed
this skit thoroughly.
A few support staff of the Institute also joined in.There were games
and activities which included 'pin the nose on the reindeer' and musical
chairs which kept the children in high spirits as Santa Claus presented
them gifts.
CanHOPE Colombo awarded Nurse Menaka, Nursing Officer for her
outstanding support as a CanFRiEND throughout 2015.
The CanHOPE Colombo team thanked the support staff, CanFRiENDs from
the Rotaract Club of Battaramulla and the celebrities who entertained
the children.
CanFRiEND helpline is 077346 0000.