Loathe thy neighbour
Politics is local but most problems are international. That is the
fundamental problem for national governments caught between the twin
forces of globalization and voters’ anger.
The European refugee crisis, for example, seems to cry out for a
continent-wide solution. But the tide of migrants has been so vast that
national governments have been tempted to put up barriers first, and
answer questions later. The latest example saw Sweden introduce checks
on those travelling from Denmark, leading the latter country, in turn,
to impose temporary controls on its southern border with Germany.
Anti-immigration parties have been gaining in the polls; with the
exception of Angela Merkel, mainstream politicians want to head off the
The current system combines unchecked movement within the Schengen
area (which does not include all members of the European Union) with
external borders patrolled by national governments. There is no Schengen
border force, but once inside, refugees can go anywhere within the
Schengen countries.
Controlling numbers
In a way, this looks like the same mismatch that has plagued the
Euro: a single currency without a unitary fiscal and political
authority. Many economists have advocated much greater integration of
the Euro Zone in the wake of the bloc’s crisis. The European banking
system would be stronger if there was a comprehensive deposit-insurance
scheme; the economy would be more balanced if there were fiscal
transfers from rich to poor countries. But such plans are unpopular with
voters in rich countries (who perceive them as handouts) and in poor
countries (who worry about the implied loss of local control that
reforms would require).
All that the EU’s leaders have managed so far is to cobble together
solutions (such as the Greek bailouts) at the last minute. The
impression of indecisiveness in Brussels has done nothing to make the EU
more popular with voters—surging anti-immigrant parties are also
At the global level, co-operation also seems more difficult. Gone is
the unity of the G20’s summit in London in 2009, when leaders agreed on
a co-ordinated stimulus in response to the financial crisis. The
appetite for fiscal stimulus seems to have completely disappeared.
Central banks are now heading in different directions: the Federal
Reserve has just tightened monetary policy while the European Central
Bank and the Bank of Japan are committed to easing. The Euro Zone, which
has a big trade surplus, seems happy to let its currency depreciate,
adding to deflationary pressures elsewhere.
Trade creates tighter links between countries, but global trade
growth has been sluggish in recent years. The OECD thinks that trade
grew by only 2% in volume in 2015. No longer is trade rising faster than
global GDP, as it was before the crisis. In a widely expected but still
depressing development, the Doha round of negotiations on a new global
trade agreement has been abandoned, although the trans-Pacific deal did
make it through.
Sluggish growth
International agreements require compromise, which leaves politicians
vulnerable to criticism from inflexible opponents. Voters are already
dissatisfied with their lot after years of sluggish gains (or declines)
in living standards. When populist politicians suggest that voters’ woes
are all the fault of foreigners, they find a ready audience. With the
global economic pie growing more slowly, the temptation is to try and
grab a bigger slice of it—at the expense of everyone else.
Furthermore, economic woes can lead to much more aggressive foreign
policy. It is hard to believe that the fall in oil prices—and the effect
on national budgets—has not played some part in the current turmoil in
the Middle East.
In the developed world, demographic constraints (a static or
shrinking workforce) may limit the scope for the kind of rapid growth
needed to reduce the debt burden and make voters happier. Boosting that
sluggish growth rate through domestic reforms (breaking up producer
cartels, making labour markets more flexible) is very hard because such
reforms arouse strong opposition from those affected.
The danger is that a vicious cycle sets in. Global problems are not
tackled because governments fail to co-operate; voters get angrier and
push their leaders into more nationalistic positions. And it is hard to
see things changing this year, with no country likely to take the lead.
America will be consumed by its presidential election, Europe by
refugees and fear of terrorism, China by its adjustment to slower
growth. No one is in charge.
- The Economist