Predicting an 'ecological desert'
by Amantha Perera
Anslem Silva has fished for four decades from the popular harbour on
Sri Lanka's west coast, but for five years now filling his boat has
become increasingly difficult.
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"We seem to be spending more and more time out at sea looking for
catch. Where there were fish for decades, now there is very little. It
is strange, but all of us have been noticing that," said a 54-year-old
fisherman, who operates his own trawler on multi-day trips reaching 100
to 150 kilometres (60 to 90 miles) off the coast.
Over-fishing is responsible for some of the lowered catch, but
another problem may also be contributing: lack of food for the fish
themselves, driven by global warming.
"Rapid warming in the Indian Ocean is playing an important role in
reducing phytoplankton up to 20 percent," said Roxy Mathew Koll, a
scientist at the Centre for Climate Change Research at the Indian
Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune.
Over six decades, rising water temperatures appear to have been
reducing the amount of phytoplankton - microscopic plants at the base of
the ocean food chain - available as food for fish, according to research
released in December by Koll and other scientists from the United
States, South Africa and France.
Curb food security
That "may cascade through the food chain, potentially turning this
biologically productive region into an ecological desert," Koll said.
Such a change would curb food security not only in Indian Ocean rim
countries but also global fish markets that buy from the region, he
As the temperature in waters in parts of the Indian Ocean have risen
by 1.2 degrees Celsius over the last century, the mixing of surface
water and nutrient-rich deeper waters have slowed, the scientists said.
That has prevented nutrients from reaching the plankton, which are
mostly active in surface waters.
"The vertical mixing (of water) is a critical process for introducing
nutrients into the upper zones where sufficient light is available for
photosynthesis," said Raghu Murtugudde, a scientist from the University
of Maryland.
Trouble near Kenya, Somali coasts
The researcher said that recent data showed phytoplankton levels
falling dramatically in some regions that are traditionally home to
large shoals of fish, such as near the Kenyan and Somali coasts.
"Recent satellite data show that the decline is up to 30 percent in
the western Indian Ocean during the last 16 years, which is one of the
most biological productive regions in the tropics and host to some of
the most economically viable tuna species," said Marcello Vichi, another
of the study's coauthors, from the University of Cape Town.
The western Indian Ocean is responsible for 20 percent of the global
tuna catch, the research said. While tuna overfishing was a contributing
factor to lower stocks of the fish, declines in food sources - such as
phytoplankton - were also a significant problem, it said.
Ocean warming
Koll predicted fish stocks could decline significantly further in the
face of continued overfishing and ocean warming.
"All of the state-of-the-art climate models unanimously project that
the Indian Ocean will continue to warm under increasing greenhouse
gases. This will result in a further decline of the phytoplankton in the
Indian Ocean, exaggerating the stress on the marine ecosystem and the
fish, which are already affected by overfishing," he said.
The impact will be felt in countries around the Indian Ocean,
including India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. But importers such as the
United States, Europe and Japan also could feel the impact, scientists
Fishermen in Sri Lanka say they already see the number of fishing
boats in some of the country's ports declining as a result of the
"It is very difficult to operate a new boat ... so few people now
want to get into fishing at a large scale," said Mohamed Riyazudeen, a
boat captain from Valechchennei, a vital fishing port on the East coast.
He called the research on ocean warming bad news.
"What are we to do? We don't know any other trade and if there is no
fish, what are we to catch?" he asked.
(Thomson Reuters Foundation, |