Sri Lankan heritage -in a global context
by Padma Edirisinghe
The Ananda College of Colombo has many Firsts. Its ‘First First’ was
to plant itself right in the heart of Pettah as the first Buddhist
English medium school for boys when the missionaries were all out to
monopolise English education during the early British period and
throttle ‘invaders’, even those bred in the soil. Yet, the new school
not only survived but went on garnering more and more fame especially
after it moved into more opulent surroundings where it continues its
glory up to now and of course, hopefully, to Beyond…
Always in the news, its most recent activity really was nothing gala
or gaga. It was in ‘toto’ academic and was a book launch. I wished to
add ‘mere’ as a prefix to “book launch” but decided to skip ‘the mere’
considering the intensity of the content material.

Ruins of Great Zimbabwe Kingdom in Southern Africa |
Intense? Yes, especially at a time when she, the island is screaming
with a hotch-potch of issues. And now, the author of the book launched,
Das Miriyagalle, a retired chartered accountant with a degree in science
and a penchant for history raises the curtain on GLORIOUS Lanka. No
blushes of modesty impede its glory. The tale is told in full in “Sri
Lankan heritage with a global perspective.”
Drawing away the drapes of many a century via this text we are taken
into the mystique of ancient times, just not for the mere thrill of it
but with an avowed purpose, mainly to collate the phases of bygone
annals with parallel phases of world history, an intellectual play that
no doubt will enthrall many a lover of history. However the author sets
about the task methodically as against the haphazard routes.
Ten regional cultural sites of the world are identified beginning
with East Africa. Why?
That is where human migration had commenced. So the collation
comprises, a series of interactions of different regions of the world
with our island the absence of which topic had etched a hiatus in our
Before going on it is apt to mention that the author having been a
seasoned global traveller, both in his capacity of duty as well as
leisured travel had had first-hand contact with what he is talking about
or writing about. He has been to some of the most intense theatres of
civilization such as Mexico, Peru, Tanzania and Syria.
Part 1 deals with these topics.
*Africa-linkage with Sri Lanka (SL)
*Mesopotamia - Birth place of writing
*South Asia, cradle of spirituality
*Chinese civilization entering via the silk route
*Nile valley
*Greece - bonding East & West
*Roman civilization
*the Peruvian civilzations
*Central America
* SE Asian civilzations.
Items with identifiable reactions that impinge on the island are
dealt with, at the outset. Into the subsequent part is packed the
special features of SL heritage which has been influenced by global
reactions, with emphasis on those that have been recognized by UNESCO in
their declaration of world heritage sites plus those, that this
prestigious body has yet to identify.
In these explorations it is nothing but natural for the narrative to
gush into the special features of the island’s history that stand out as
unique feats during the last three millennia. These include,
*The irrigation systems of the bygone Lankans
*lithic inscriptions
*pre historic sites
*Ancient metal processing techniques
*temple murals
This work, published by Senior old Anandians brings in a very
significant discovery in the arena of writing.
That is, it pre-dates the beginning of Brahmi writing in the citadel
of Anuradhapura to 6th century BC thus lining up this momentous event
with the commencing of the Buddhist era in the same century.
The authenticity of Mahavamsa and Deepavamsa are then discussed to
add to which are surveyed the unique natural features of the island such
as Sinharaja forest, Kumana, Knuckles and Ritigala.
These comprise the third part while the intervening units are
presented in the second part.
Here one enters the World Heritage sites in the island. The book
lists the world heritage sites of the island that have been so listed by
UNESCO upto 2014. Three of them fall into the central highlands. Six of
the ten sites are man made sites of historical and cultural value. The
period, in the aftermath of the 8th century boasts sites as varied as
Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Kandy and Galle fortress. Mihnitale and
Tantrimale too earn places along with Yala and Vilpattu.
When school associations today are celebrating events with fashion
shows and food fiestas, it is heartening to note that this school is
carrying its own load of history from far off times, with its
association decided to celebrate its march with the launch of a special
book of this nature and that too under the auspices of the retired
Commissioner of Archaeology, Dr S U Deraniyagala. So all is not lost for
it is a big bow to that very important segment of human knowledge i.e.
history. *****
“The author succeeds in presenting the unique interplay between Sri
Lanka’s natural heritage and its cultural heritage, the latter in both
its tangible and intangible manifestations in a form that is readily
accessible to the general public.
Dr. S.U. Deraniyagala ********
“We are fortunate in being able to launch for the first time a
publication which analyses the heritage of Sri Lanka to the rest of the
world” U. Nikapitiya, President, SOA (Sr Old Anandians).
Why is such a mission important?
The answer is from the introduction.
“The island of Sri Lanka has continuously attracted the attention of
the people of many regions of the ancient world ……in spite of the
country being a small island in the Indian ocean with perilous obstacles
to communications with the rest of the world there had been a regular
movement of people and ideas across the oceans resulting in a gradual
evolution of the Sri Lankan heritage…. The relationships and comparisons
have been vividly observed by travellers, academics and historians who
have written their observations at great length.”
The writer then goes on to quote a lengthy passage penned by Sir
Emerson Tenant, at one time, Colonial Secretary here. The account almost
sounds hymnal and hosanna-style beginning with;
“There is no nation in the ancient or modern times times possessed of
a language and literature , the writers of which have not at some time
made it (Sri Lanka) their theme”.
Those who have put out their choornikas to SL include, Classic
Greeks, the Romans, Writers of China, Burma, India and Kashmir,
geographers of Arabia and Persia, medieval voyagers of Italy and France,
annalists of Portugal and Spain, merchant adventurers of Holland,
topographers and travellers of Great Britain.
But the background history too is not forgotten i.e.
That of the birth of humans that is staged in East Africa and that
tale too is told and reads like a thriller by itself, an academic
thriller, spiced with accounts of archaeological sites in Tanzania,
Kenya and Ethiopia; specifically the sites of Olduvai Gorge, Lake
Turkana, Ono valley and Hadar where lived the early ancestors of modern
man giving the dark continent the ennobled status of the cradle of human
civilization. |