Workshop for CIMA members
Finance professional, CIMA Sri Lanka Council Member and Fulbright
Scholar - Melanie Kanaka, will be the presenter at a Membership
Conversion workshop organised by CIMA Sri Lanka Division for prospective
CIMA members. It will be held at the CIMA auditorium on Wednesday,
February 10 at 6.30 p.m. and is open to all Associate CIMA members.
The workshop will assist Associate members who have five years of
strategic level work experience and the credentials to become Fellow
members of the Institute. Melanie has been a CIMA Membership Assessor
for several years and as an accredited trainer for assessors she will
provide an useful insight to the membership Conversion workshop.
She serves on the Global Council and was appointed by her fellow
Council members to serve on the Global Appointments Committee last year.
This year she was elected Chair of one of the five Policy Committees
of CIMA Global. |