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PM’S comments to shun racism in Sri Lanka applauded
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe lashed out at certain media
organisations, in Parliament for fanning the flames of racism in the
country. Racism in Sri Lanka took ground recently by a handful of
politicians to gain political mileage.
Prior to Independence, Sri Lanka was united and the struggle for
Independence was carried out by all three communities. It was headed by
the late D.S. Senanayaka was followed by the Tamils and the Muslims.
Sir. Ponnambalam Ramanathan, S. J. V. Chelvanayagam, G.G.Ponnambalam,
Dr.Siddi Lebbe and Dr.T.B Jayah were among the Sinhala stalwarts who
stood for Independence of Sri Lanka.
It was after Independence that the UNP was formed. Why was it named
the UNP? Because patriotic Sinhala leaders such as D.S.Senanayaka,
Dudley Senanayaka and S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike wanted the country to be
united. They built the party with many minority personalities such as
K.W. Devanayagam, Dr.M.C.M.Kaleel, M.H.Mohamed and Sir Razick Fareed.
The SLFP was formed under the leadership of late S.W.R.D.
Bandaranaike. He obtained the services of the late Dr Badiudeen Mahmud
as his close political associate and advisor along with the help of many
Tamil leaders from the North.
In Sri Lanka, racism raised its ugly head after 2005, after the
advent of the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime. Former president Rajapaksa did
not receive much of the minority votes from the Tamils and Muslims.
Voters of the Northern and Eastern province did not vote due to the
threats posed by the LTTE leader. Rajapaksa believed that he or any
other presidential candidate could win if they worked for the majority
community and sought their support. Hence, he covered predominately
Sinhala populated rural areas providing infrastructure, employment and
other essential facilities. After the war he developed the Northern and
Eastern provinces to appease the international community but did very
little for the down trodden Tamils and Muslims.
Sidelining the minorities, made Sinhala extremist groups to emerge
against the minorities. The Bodu Bala Sena was one such organisation
which unleashed racism in Sri Lanka and they spread the notion that the
only leader to protect the country was Mahinda Rajapaksa who was a
faithful Buddhist and could be the leader of the country forever.
Mahinda Rajapaksa blindly followed these notions and lost in the
presidential election. I appreciate Prime Minister Ranil
Wickremesinghe’s comments in parliament and hope it would refresh the
minds of those who promote racism and shun it in the future !
Save our animal sanctuaries and bird parks
The government should take immediate steps to stop the human-elephant
conflict. Humans can be told to move on, but one cannot speak to the
pachyderm. They are used to a certain environment, which humans have
invaded - mainly for slash and burn Chena cultivation.
The politician does not get a vote from the elephant, though it may
be his election symbol. Thus naturally he turns a blind eye regarding
animal rights.
The result is that in another decade or so, the animal parks will be
encroached and forest cover will dwindle.
This little island has the largest population of Asiatic elephants
and the most beautiful bird in the world, the peacock. Often our
sanctuaries are depicted on television in popular programs such as
‘Animal Planet’ and on the Discovery channel, which amounts to free
advertisement for the country.
Avian life in wildlife sanctuaries such as Kumana and Bundala, deep
down south will be affected by the airport in the jungle.
Modern jets at a few hundred feet, landing or taking off sends out a
deafening scream that ‘flying friends’ are not used to. A hen bird
sitting on her clutch will fly away when it hears the thundering noise
and the eggs will not hatch.
Save our animal sanctuaries and bird parks.
Mahendra Samarasinghe,