Celebrating flavours of life with Marco Pierre
Culinary expert and Sri Lanka's trusted household brand Knorr
recently hosted a cruise on the Beira Lake where visiting celebrity
Chef, Marco Pierre White, met with several of his ardent followers and
It was a memorable culinary experience as they set sail on an
engaging journey of flavours at 8 degrees, Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo.
The very relaxed evening saw Chef Marco in a very animated and
interactive Q&A session about anything and everything related to
flavours, cuisine and the culinary art. Quite contrary to his 'MasterChef'
image on the hit television series, Chef Marco was totally relaxed, very
outgoing and got everyone to come forward and sit around him. This was a
rare opportunity to get close-up to the celebrity chef and pose a wide
and varied range of questions to which he readily answered and sometimes
in great detail too.
asked about the use of many spices in traditional Sri Lankan cuisine, he
said, "Sri Lankan cuisine has a great and rich heritage. I have never
eaten so consistently anywhere else and Sri Lankan cuisine is one of the
best in the world. Western cuisine does not use that many spices. I
didn't have the time to explore Sri Lankan cuisine and its flavours but
I will return to Sri Lanka one day to work with your chefs and learn how
to use your spices in my own culinary journey".
Responding to a question on marrying flavours and making a flavourful
meal at home he said, "The secret of cooking at home is to keep it
simple. Many people do not have very large kitchens. Talking about
myself, I make one-pot cuisine - such as a risotto, pasta or a stew. You
come after a stressful day's work and don't want to be stressed again
cooking. This is where Knorr come in as a genius product. Making a stock
at home is cumbersome and complicated. Knorr does it all for you.
Remember to keep it simple. The only thing that should dictate when you
cook is your palate".
Sharing a few tips on successful home cooking, he insisted, "It is
very important that you invest in a set of knives, a set of pans and
large chopping board. The latter makes life in the kitchen much easier."
One of the invites, Natasha, told him that she had quit her job as an
accountant to take up cooking. To this he encouragingly responded,
"Cooking is a philosophy and not a science. It is a way of life and not
a job. It has it rewards. Follow your heart and make your dream come
true. If you have a dream you have a duty and responsibility to yourself
to make it come true. Your cooking becomes an extension of yourself and
the world you were born into".
Interspersed with the book signing session were photo and selfie
sessions as cameras and mobile phones went 'click', most of which ended
up as instant Face Book posts attracting comments from around the world.
It was without doubt a very inspiring evening and all of Marco's fans
agreed in unison that they were richer by the experience.
Marco Pierre White's tour of Sri Lanka was presented by Cinnamon
Hotels & Resorts in collaboration with the British High Commission of
Sri Lanka, the national carrier SriLankan airlines, HSBC, Knorr,
Quintessentially Lifestyle, Land Rover Sri Lanka, Hellman Logistics, Sri
Lanka Tourism, Cinnamon Air and Trekurious. |