let go : Of things that hold you back in life
by Kerry Pelsinger
We are one month into the New Year, but millions of people are still
vowing to achieve big things this year. Just as important as the goals
you are reaching toward, however, are the things you are intentionally
letting go of. A big part of designing a good life is being able to let
go of things that hold you back in life and things that are not
important to you.
Here are 30 things to let go of in 2016 to make this the best year
you’ve ever had
1. Let go of self-sabotaging habits. Work on being kind and
loving to yourself. (Check box for some little things to do every day to
really love yourself.)
2. Let go of perfection. Waiting to do some thing until the
timing is perfect often means you’ll never do it at all.
3. Let go of saying you’ll do things “someday.” This life is not
a dress rehearsal.
4. Let go of trying to please everyone all the time. You’ll never
be everything to everyone and that’s okay.
5. Let go of living the life that everyone else has planned for
you. It’s time to design your life the way you want to live it.
6. Let go of the pressure to spend your entire career at a 9-5
job you don’t love. Make a point to find your passion this year.
7. Let go of being paralysed by fear. Remember the biggest
risk is often doing nothing; the biggest risk is that you’ll wake up
years from now and wish you would have acted on your dreams.
8. Let go of neglecting yourself. You can best serve the world
when you take care of yourself.
9. Let go of toxic relationships. You deserve to spend time with
people who are uplifting.
small things you can do every day to really love yourself
Connect today with someone who is positive, inspiring, and
encouraging 2. Visit with your neighbour 3. Send a note in the mail to a family member or friend
4. Plan a fun night out with friends 5. Snuggle with your love
6. If you’re not satisfied with your life, admit it to
yourself, and write out your action plan to make changes 7. Spend 10 minutes today being quiet
8. Forgive yourself. You must accept that you are not
perfect before you can love yourself 9. Seek the help you need — set up an appointment for
counselling or therapy if you’re struggling emotionally. You
are worth it 10. Spend 10 minutes working on a favourite
stress-management technique 11. Write down your schedule for the day. This will help you
set aside time each day to spend time on your priorities and
minimize wasted time 12. Practice an optimistic attitude
13. Be mindful of your inner dialogue. The messages you tell
yourself can greatly influence your life 14. Set boundaries on how you’ll spend your time. Steer
clear of time-sucking activities that don’t add meaning to
your life 16. Turn away from behaviours that tend to get you into
trouble 17. Say no to toxic people and activities 18. Say yes to adventure
19. Have fun. Laugh every day 20. Compliment yourself 21. Explore your faith
22. Spend time in prayer or meditation 23. Seek an opportunity to grow in one of the challenges in
your life 24. Get outside in nature 25. Do something altruistic
26. Practice not buying what you don’t need 27. Donate items you don’t need. Practice getting rid of 1
item per day 28. Learn about your strengths 29. Discover your passion. This workbook is a great start
30. Write down your big career goals 31. Take one small step each day toward your dream career
32. Connect with a co-worker 33. Read 1 page of a book that interests you today
34. Learn 35. Book an adventure to a new place 36. Sign up for a new class through community education or a
local college 37. Take a small step out of your comfort zone every day
38. Appreciate the amazing things your body can do rather
than focusing on what you consider to be your “flaws” 39. Schedule your routine physical with your doctor
40. Pick a new vegetable to eat 41. Choose one new healthy recipe to make this week
42. While you eat, focus on your meal 43. Make a specific game plan to quit a destructive habit
44. Nourish your body with health choices 45. Establish a nighttime routine for a healthy dose of
sleep 46. Set aside time each day to work toward making a big
dream of yours a reality 47. Do something you love every day
48. Buy yourself fresh flowers someday soon, just for fun
49. Schedule a massage 50. Start a gratitude journal and list something you are
thankful for every day |
10. Let go of letting your past define your future.
11. Let go of constantly competing with people. Focus on your
path and work on improving yourself every day.
12. Let go of sitting on the sidelines. Life’s too short to
sit there and watch it pass you by just because you don’t think you have
the ‘perfect’ body, you’re ‘too old,’ you’re ‘too young,’ or you’re too
(fill in the blank).
13. Let go of items you don’t need. Decluttering your life is
incredibly freeing.
14. Let go of trying to be good at everything. Instead, focus
on being great at a few things that line up with your priorities and
15. Let go of thinking you can’t make a difference right now.
It’s often possible to turn a difficult job into an amazing mission,
right where you are.
16. Let go of always saying yes. Learn to say no to certain
commitments so you can say yes to what matters most to you.
17. Let go of excuses. Decide what you want and go get it.
18. Let go of self-doubt.
19. Let go of procrastination.
20.Let go of blaming others.
21. Let go of negativity. You really can live an amazing,
fulfilling life that you love. It’s time to work on having a great
22. Let go of thinking small. There truly is power in thinking
23.Let go of time-wasting activities that prevent you from
working toward your meaningful goals.
24. Let go of inaction.
25. Let go of being ‘too busy’ to do what matters most to you.
26. Let go of worrying about what others think of you. It’s
time to find your tribe of like-minded, encouraging people, and blaze
the trail you want to blaze.
27. Let go of being closed-minded. Great innovations happen
when people dare to dream about possibilities.
28. Let go of refusing to try new things. You never know what
you might love. Sign up for a random vocational class, try a new
physical activity, or start a new book club. Life is so much richer with
new experiences.
29. Let go of feeling unworthy of your dreams.
30. Let go of thinking your dreams are impossible. Set big
goals and surround yourself with people who encourage, support, and
inspire you to reach them.
It’s going to be a great year!
(Kerry Petsinger is a Doctor of Physical Therapy,
entrepreneur, and coach who is confident he can help you spend your life
doing what matters to you. His confidence stems from the fact that
people from 104 countries who have used his ‘30 Powerful Questions to
Find Your Passion ’workbook, will vouch for this as a fact) |